Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 113

"I know. You'll be fine, Phoebe. Don't be concerned. I want you to sleep now."

"I'm nauseous again."

"I said I want you to sleep."

"Okay, I'll sleep."

It was quiet enough for me to hear the rhythm of my beating heart thumping in my ears. I held my breath. Was that the sound of squeaking again? Were they returning?

Despite my terror. I did fall asleep, but right before I did. I told myself I had been so stupid. I had put my fear in that biography I wrote in the

orientation room. I had given myself up before I had even arrived here. She's too smart. I thought. She will get what she wants. M'Lady One was right. Dr. Foreman doesn't fail. There was no Posy. There couldn't be anyone she didn't change or mold into the person Dr. Foreman wanted her to be.

I didn't realize it until much later, but before the door was opened again. I had slept all day and through the night, waking and then becoming nearly comatose repeatedly. The helmet was unfastened and light burned through the shadows. It was so painful. I grimaced and closed my eyes, but the light was too strong.

"What a mess she is." I heard M'Lady Two say. "Let's get her to the showers."

"You're disgusting, Phoebe bird. You've spoiled your coveralls and you stink so badly, I don't think the buzzards would even bother with your remains." M'Lady One said.

I was weak. I couldn't lift my head, but they pulled me up. My legs gave out immediately. They scooped their arms under mine and dragged me out of the Ice Room. M'Lady Three was there with a wheelbarrow.

"I thought we would need it," she said triumphantly. They all laughed.

They lifted me and dropped me in the wheelbarrow, my legs twisted, my head hitting the metal sharply. I moaned and tried to get more comfortable, but they were rolling me along and bouncing me over the dirt and gravel so hard. I did all I could to keep my head from repeatedly smacking the inside of the wheelbarrow. When we reached the showers, they began to tear off my clothes. Then they put me under the shower and ran the cold water. I screamed, but I had lost my voice the night before, and all I actually did was open my mouth. I welcomed the water in my throat.

They stood by watching me squirm.

When they decided I had had enough, they shut off the water and tossed me a towel. I was given new panties and a new pair of coveralls and a new shirt. They barked their displeasure at me. It was taking me too long to dress. but I had no energy. My foot still looked quite swollen. I put my clodhopper shoe on as carefully as I could and they scooped me up again,

"You'll walk on your own now," M'Lady One charged. "Dr. Foreman wants you fed, so head for the house."

I limped forward. I didn't see any of the others. but I thought I caught a glimpse of Natani watching from a corner of the barn. The buddies kept chiding me for moving too slowly, p

oking me in the ribs and back. I shuddered but kept moving, accepting the pain every time I put my foot down, swallowing it back and moving ahead, driven now by my need for something more to drink. My mouth still felt as if it had been turned into sand and my tongue into one long razor blade. I touched my lips to see if there was any blood, but they were so dry, it was like touching wood.

They had to help me up the stairs and then direct me to the table where I was given juice, some soft-boiled eggs, toast, and jam. I was still too nauseated to eat much. but I knew I would need something to build my strength, so I made as much of an effort as I could. Only M'Lady One remained behind to watch. When Dr. Foreman appeared, I felt myself flinch. Every cell in my body, every part of me, was afraid of her now.

She smiled, "How's my girl? Those spider bites can be so devastative."

I wanted to ask why she didn't believe me when I told her then. but I didn't even move my lips.

"You're going to need a little TLC now. Just like Teal did. only Teal thinks the world owes her TLC." Dr. Foreman told M'Lady One, "Take her to the guest bedroom. Give her two Tylenol and the ice pack for her foot." She turned back to me. "You'll be a lot better by this evening. I need you to be strong for me, Phoebe. We have a lot of work to do together now, you and I, right?"

I nodded.

"Good." She looked at M'Lady One, "Send me Gia after you see to Phoebe," she ordered sharply.

"Okay, Doctor."

I was too tired and too numb to think about anything, but I felt vaguely sorry for Gia and wondered how she and the others were going to treat me now.

M'Lady One helped me to a bedroom. The mere sight of a real bed made me relax. I couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to lie down on a thick mattress. She gave me the pills and some water and brought me the ice pack.

"Keep it on your foot." she said, pulling me up so I could hold it there myself.

'You put that scorpion into my shoe, didn't you?" I managed to ask her in a hoarse voice.

She smiled. "Now how could I do a terrible thing like that? Remember? I'm a different person now. I don't do mean things to people anymore." she replied, and left.

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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