Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 119

There was little question in my mind that she already knew.

"She was angry because I told you what she had said about Posy."

"Her Posy," Dr. Foreman muttered. "Yes. You told her you had no choice, of course."

I nodded.

"You're free to tell the other girls about it. If Gia sees no one believes her, it will help. Should Gia get violent or physical. I want to know immediately, understand?"

"Yes. Dr. Foreman."

"Good, How did she defend herself? Did she tell you anything else about her Posy? Claim she did anything?"

"She said she worked on the horses like I am." The more I told her that was true, the less I might have to tell her what I feared to tell her. I hoped.

"Yes, well, of course it was Gia who worked on the horses. You believe that, don't you?" she said quickly.

"Yes, I do."

"Good. As I mentioned before. Mindy troubles me more and more these days." she suddenly said, changing the subject. "She's really regressing."


"She's becoming more and more like she was when she first arrived here. She's too aloof. too distant most of the time. I think she's actually getting worse in some ways. I'm getting bad vibes these last few days. I want you to keep an eye on her, too, for me. Keep track of what she says, does, whenever you're around her."

"Everything she says?"

"You'll know what I want, Enjoy the magazine, but be sure to get your homework done first, understand?"

"Yes, Dr. Foreman."

"And no one else is permitted to read it, not even over your shoulder."


"I don't want to hear that they have," she added, her eyes full of threat.

I nodded.

"You're excused."

I rose and started for the door. "Phoebe."

"Yes. Dr. Foreman?"

"I think you could look a lot prettier than that so-called actress, even in those ridiculous clothes. I can see you in a modeling career someday. Would you like that?"

I nodded.

"Good. I'll see what I can do about finding you a good modeling school when the time comes."

Every time she offered to do something good for me or said something nice to me. I felt worse.

Why was that?

Why should I care about anyone else anymore? She was right after all. They would all forget me and have nothing to do with me once we all left this place, especially if I returned to my neighborhood in Atlanta or someplace like it. I was tempted to reveal the rest of it, describe exactly what Gia was planning to do tonight.

"Was there something else you wanted to tell me, Phoebe?"

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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