Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 134

"What's going on?" Mindy asked,

"We're doing a bed check. Shut up and go to sleep," M'Lady Three ordered.

Mindy lay back and practically pulled her blanket over her head. Gia remained sitting up and stared silently.

"Get up," M'Lady Three ordered Teal. She looked at me helplessly and struggled to her feet, swallowing as much of her pain as she could.

M'Lady Three saw the blood leaking through Teals white sock. "Hurt yourself running about, did you?" she asked in a mock sweet voice.

Teal nodded. need to go to a doctor. I need an X ray. I might have broken my ankle."

"Oh, sure. We'll just bring the limousine right up and get you into it. Move!" M'Lady Three ordered, pushing her toward the door.

Teal started to cry. "I can't walk on it!" she moaned.

"Move," M'Lady Three repeated, poking her sharply in the ribs.

Teal limped toward the door. "What do you want? Why do I have to go outside? It's late." she pleaded.

"I want you to enjoy the cool evening air."

I started to get up to protest. but M'Lady One put her forefinger between my breasts and pushed so hard. I lay back down.

She hovered over me. "Just relax. girl. You're not going anywhere."

''Leave her alone. She's really hurt," I pleaded.

She smiled. "Suddenly, you care about each other? How sweet."

I looked at Robin who was back on her side, shivering in fear that she would be next. I was sire.

"If you don't bring Teal back in here...," I started to threaten,

"You'll do what. Phoebe bird? Huh?"

"I want to see Dr. Foreman," I said, starting to sit up again.

"Oh, you'll be seeing her. Don't worry about that. You want to spend some time in the Ice Room first?"

"You're disgusting. You're all disgusting."

M'Lady Two drew closer. "You better shut your mouth, or we'll shut it for you for good."

She had as mad and as wild a look on her face as I had ever seen on anyone. I swallowed hard and looked at Gia, who was staring at me without any feeling, any expression, not even slight interest.

I folded my arms under my breasts and lay back again.

The two buddies turned and followed Teal and M'Lady Three out of the barn, closing the door behind her.

"What are they going to do to her?" Robin wailed,

"What did you do, spy on them?" Gia asked us, speaking as if she were in a dream,

"Yes," Robin said. "Teal remembered your telling us about it, about their partying."

You went up on the roof and looked in their windows?"

"We did and we saw worse than you saw. They weren't just listening to music and smoking pot. They were dancing and striping for each other. They're sick and disgusting. Wait until we tell Dr. Foreman what we saw. Right. Phoebe?"

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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