Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 150

"It gives you same power, some control over yourself, something they can't take from you," I told them.

"I'd like to learn more about that," Robin said. "Maybe we are, right now," Teal commented, and again we were all silent.

It was funny, I thought, but out he

re, with our lives really still in some great danger, we had suddenly grown closer to each other than we had back at the ranch where we suffered so many of the same fears and punishments. Here, at least for a little while, we were unable to be too selfish. What happened to one of us happened to all of us.

"We're going to make it out of here," I suddenly declared.

"Yes," Robin agreed. "Wewill."

"We will," Teal repeated.

"Everyone ready?"

"Aye, aye. Captain." Robin said. saluting. Teal started to struggle with her surely painful ankle, and Robin reached out to help her.

"Thanks," she said.

We stood up, fixed our packs, and started to walk again.

"We need a new song," Robin declared, "I've got one. It's one of my mother's, one she wrote herself. She'd never believe I remember it and would sing it, because I used to make so much fun of it. but here I go.

My heart is a prison and you've got the key,

But darlin' there's no prison where I'd rather be.

So build up those walls and chains to your heart,

For darlin, oh darlin', we can never be apart.

"That's corny," Teal screamed. "But I like it. Keep singing, It'll keep the vultures away."

I laughed.

Robin continued to sing. She had a good voice and she put real feeling into the words. too. I thought, and then suddenly I was jealous.

She was reaching back, thinking of her mother, connecting with her, even this far away.

That was something at least.

I wished I had a song in my heart. I wished for it more than I even wished to get out of this desert trap.

For I knew, if I had a song like that, there wasn't a desert hot enough or long enough to defeat me.

We walked on.

The stars following us.

The night circling with all the creatures that had fled the heat emerging and I'm sure wondering who we were.

It was a question on our own lips. Who are we?

Would we ever really know?

Perhaps if we do get out of here. I thought, perhaps then, we would.

With every step I took, with the heat fleeing and the cold descending. I longed for the comfort of Natani's drum. for I knew in my heart dangers were lurking in the patches of new darkness around and in front of us.

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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