Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 155

"I'll call the butler." Robin told her, and looked at me. I checked Teal's canteen. It was bone-dry.

"We better get some water in her." I said, and gave her my canteen. I didn't see how the boiling would have harmed the water. It was just very warm.

The moment it touched her lips, she complained. "Isn't there any ice?"

"Gee, we're all out. Here, try this." Robin gave Teal her canteen. The water was cooler. Teal gulped at it.

"Easy," I said, and lowered the canteen. "You can get yourself sick drinking that too fast now."

"I am sick. I want to go home this instant. Where's the phone?"

"Gee, we forgot to pay the bill so they turned off our service," Robin said.

"You're not very funny." Teal's eyes grew small as she scrutinized Robin's face. "Are you Jeffs cousin?"

"No. Jeff s my cousin." Robin said. For a moment that did confuse Teal and I actually smiled. although I couldn't see what we had to laugh about now.

"Let's get her up," I told Robin, and we helped Teal to her feet.

"Ow!" she screamed, and looked down at her leg wrapped with the leaves, "What happened to me?"

"You hurt yourself dancing last night," Robin said.

"It's the best we can do for now. We've got to walk on."

"I can't walk."

Robin tried to pull her forward but she resisted.

"Oh. great. What do we do?"

"Come on. Teal. You have to try or you won't get home." I said. I took her other arm, and together Robin and I forced her to take some steps. She cried with every one taken, putting as little weight on the bitten leg as she could. Finally, Robin put Teal's arm over her shoulder and that way we were able to get her to move forward a little faster. but I knew Robin couldn't carry her for long.

We took turns, resting every hundred yards or so. "We're not going to get very far this way." I said.

Teal's eyes were closed and she was rocking softly from side to side.

"You better put the top up. It's too hot." she muttered. "And stop to get me a drink, Anything. Even a beer."

"Yes. it is too hot," Robin said. "Phoebe, can you raise the typ on the convertible, please?"

"She's delirious."

"I wish I were. Who wants to realize what's really happening and where we really are," Robin said. "What are we going to do, Phoebe? We can't carry her all the way out of here. We don't even know if we're heading in the right direction, and we've just about run out of water."

I shook my head. I was out of ideas. Gazing around. I spotted something on a branch,

"What's that?" I asked Robin.

She shaded her eyes and squinted. "What?"

"Looks like... something tied to that bush." I rose and walked ahead to my left. It was a ribbon. Something was wrapped on the end of it, tied so it wouldn't fall out. I undid the knot and a small turquoise stone fell into my palm. An electric surge of hope shot through my body.

"Natani!" I screamed.

"What?" Robin shouted back. standing.

"I think this was left here by Natani." I looked farther ahead and saw what was definitely another ribbon,

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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