Broken Compass - Page 43

“What did you two fight over?” But as I look at him, I know the answer. “It was Sydney, wasn’t it?”

“No, it wasn’t…” He huffs, his shoulders slumping. “Yeah.”

Right. Hell, I don’t really wanna know what happened. I bet he’d deck me—or try to—if he knew I kissed the girl they’ve been butting heads over.

Damn. Using my beer bottle to hide behind, I search the room for a redhead and a tall dark-haired boy. Sydney, where are you?

I can’t wait for this night to be over, and it’s only just begun.

“Hell of a party.” Nate thumps me on the back, and I choke on my second beer. “You were right, dude. This…” He waves his bottle, barely missing a passing guy’s head, “is fucking great.”

“Good, good…” I’m starting to lose hope that Sydney will appear. “Getting late, though. Time to go home. Your dad will be worried.”

“My dad?” Nate doubles over with laughter. “Fuck… You’re cracking me up.”

“I am?” Never been the funny guy in any group of people. “Nate—”

“Don’t.” Straightening, he wipes a hand over his mouth, waves the bottle around. “Don’t ever mention that fucking asshole again.” He claps my shoulder, and I groan. Guy is strong. “Okay? Good.”

“You’re drunk off your ass,” I mutter, resigned. “Why do I think this was a bad idea?”

“Oh come on, Kash.” He’s grinning, and he looks so damn young like this, without the lines of anger and fear normally etched in his face. “What’s that short for, anyway?”

“Kevin Ashton,” I reply absently, my standard reply. My standard lie.

Nate howls with laughter, hanging off me, his beer spilling to the floor. “No fucking way. That’s hilarious.”

Dammit. “Why? It’s just a name.”

“Two names.” He has to let go of me to lift two fingers in the air, and that sets him off again.

“Okay, you’ve had enough.” I try to pry the bottle from his other hand, but he won’t let go. “Nate. I said it’s time to take you home.”

“Yeah? Only you’re not my dad, and my dad doesn’t give a damn about me, so how about I stay until I pass out here on the fucking floor? Who’s gonna notice, huh?”

My throat closes. I shouldn’t care about everything he says, but it resonates so much with me I’m vibrating like a plucked chord. Like with Sydney, I can read between his words, hear the dark melody running underneath, and something in me answers.

Bad, bad idea.

“Stay then,” I snap at him, so confused I’m fucking angry. “See if I care. Stay and get shitfaced on your own. Have fun.”


But I’m already moving away, shoving a path through the stupid drunken kids with their stupid simple lives.

I have to score some dope and get back, and never allow myself to get roped into a goddamn mess like this one, pretty girl or not.

Chapter Twelve


Drinking isn’t good for me. I know it. I know it every time my dad makes me drink, every time I swallow the burning liquid. It’s probably why my vision is flashing with spots of bright light right now, while black holes are eating at the room, creating areas of nothingness.

Fuck… Auras. This is bad. Potentially super fucking bad. No way can I catch it now before it lands me on my ass.

And I don’t give a shit. If nobody else does, then why should I, right?

Smoking is not good, either, but I bummed a smoke off Kash earlier, and I suck on the cigarette as if it will save me.

Tags: Jo Raven Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024