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Broken Compass

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Nate gives a broken chuckle, then crawls on the bed with us, his cock hard and heavy between his legs. “You’re doing fine.”

He’s always needed control in the bedroom, and now he’s willingly giving it over to me.

Doing as I bid.

Letting me boss him around.

I feel as if my chest is cracking open. They are trying to figure out what I need right now. And they’re giving it to me. A gift. An understanding. A collision of flesh and burning heat.

“Ride me,” I tell Sydney, dropping my hands to her hips. “I want you on top of me.”

She lifts up and I grab my dick and guide it to her pussy. So soft. Warm. It opens up like a flower, swallowing the tip of my cock and I hiss at the heat and pressure. I push inside her in one slow, long thrust and still, trying to calm my racing heart.

Fuck. So good.

I arch up, fucking into her, each slide and push shooting fire down my spine. It gathers in my balls, behind my dick, a coiling pressure that’s about to fucking shatter me.

Nate is stroking himself, kneeling beside me, his eyes glued to Syd and where she’s joined to me. “Damn, that’s sexy,” he breathes. “I want in. West…”

“Goddammit, do it.” I grip Sydney’s hips harder, lift her and slam her down on my dick. “Just do it.”

She reaches for him and when he climbs behind her, snagging a tube of lube from the nightstand and uncapping it. “God, yes.”

We don’t often take her at the same time. Often we take turns, where we ride her or she rides us one by one. She’s generous, always ready for both.

But this… doing this together is just fucking hot.

He pushes inside her, and I grit my teeth at the mounting pressure. Sydney moans and writhes as she spreads wide for him, too, as she’s filled with both our cocks, filled to bursting. She’s more beautiful than ever like that, accepting us both inside her.

Her pussy clenches around my length, and I have to move, have to bury myself deeper. Nate’s dick pushes against mine inside her, and he grunts, shifting and bending her over just enough so he can fuck her ass as I fuck her pussy.

Despite coming earlier, with Nate, I can’t last long, not with all that fucking pressure around my dick and the sight of her on top of me, pale legs spread, tits bouncing, eyes half-closed, mouth slack. Her hands are braced on my chest, her nails leaving burning imprints of crescents in my skin, the slight pain fueling my desire even more.

I’m about to come, when she opens her eyes, looks right at me and says, “Earlier today… I thought I saw Kash.”

Nate groans, his movements slowing. I’m gripping her hips so hard I bet I’m leaving bruises as I roll back from the brink, my mind a hive of defeating noise.

“Syd… what the hell are you talking about?”

She bends more over me, the hard tips of her breasts grazing my chest, making me twitch. “God… Am I losing my mind?”

Chapter Forty-Eight


I wasn’t supposed to tell them of my moment of insanity. I thought I’d keep it to myself until I convinced myself I imagined it all.

And I especially wasn’t supposed to tell them about it now, when they’re both buried to the hilt inside me, cocks swollen massive and hard, their groans and gasps telling me they’re close to losing control.

When I want them to lose control, and my own body is poised on the edge of an orgasm that’s going to sweep me to dangerous depths and flay my soul.

Just the feel of both of them inside me is throwing cracks into my thoughts, chipping at my guards, breaking my defenses.

Probably why I’ve blurted this out. My walls are not just down, they’re smashed to dust. Having my boys inside me does that. Having their attention, their focus, their pleasure dependent on me.

It makes me feel powerful, and desired, and needed.

“Syd.” West swallows hard, and his hard cock quivers, caught in my pussy. “This isn’t funny.”

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