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Broken Compass

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“You first.” I haul her closer for a quick kiss that leaves her panting, then release her and wink.

Not one to back down, she sticks her tongue out at me and unzips her dress. “You got it.”

Now I’m torn between watching her undress and watching Kash and West make out. She’s pulling her dress down, baring her light pink bra and the pale mounds of her breasts, a slow seduction, while Kash and West are groaning in each other’s mouths, fighting for dominance.

Holy fuck.

“Your turn,” she says, then, a twinkle in her eyes, and I remember I’m supposed to undress, too.

Taking a deep breath, my skin heating under her gaze, I unbutton my shirt and shrug it off, then undo my belt and pants and sit on my ass so I can shove them down and off me, followed by socks and shoes.

“You were going commando?” Syd whispers, her voice choked, when my cock swings up between my legs, fully hard.

I give it a squeeze and grin wolfishly at her. Then I turn the other way and find both Kash and West looking at me. “You heard the lady,” I say. “Clothes off.”

Kash reaches for his shirt buttons, still staring at me, but West pushes his hands away and works on them himself, quickly and efficiently. He has Kash’s shirt and pants off in no time and then there’s a very naked Kash kneeling in front of us, dick hard and hair messy, bare chest gleaming as if carved of polished marble.

Damn sexy.

Then he leans forward and returns the favor, divesting West of his blue shirt and black slacks, bending over West’s long legs to remove the socks and shoes, and hell, they make such a picture together.

So fucking hot.

I’m a lucky guy. I never thought I’d feel this way in my life, but there it is. I’m lucky to be here today, and I can’t ever forget it, forget how grateful I am to these people, my lovers, for wanting me like I want them.

Thank fuck for that.

West fists his cock, and Kash does the same. They mirror each other, kneeling on the bed, jacking off, and I’m caught in a spell. A glance at Sydney tells me she’s as entranced as I am, a hand in her light blue panties, her cheeks glowing red.

West lifts his gaze to me and nods, as if asking, what now?

One thing is for sure: tonight, Kash’s ass is mine. So I move behind the blond and pull him up against me. When I wrap my arms around him, he struggles, almost shoving me back, an instinctive reaction.

“Easy,” I breathe in his ear, the silver hoops he wears cold against my lips. “Easy now.”

It’s like gentling a wild colt.

“Sorry,” he mutters, and I feel the moment he reins in his strength and accepts my hold. “I already let you get your way once today.”

“That a problem?”

He hesitates. “No.”

I slip my hand down his tight stomach to his dick and the moment I grip it, his head falls back on my shoulder, and he thrusts into my hold. When I slide my other hand behind his balls to stroke him right there, like I did earlier, he widens his stance, giving me access.

With a growl, West scoots closer and curls his hand behind Kash’s head, tugging until he can kiss him. Kash grabs at West’s shoulders and returns the kiss savagely, licking and biting at West’s mouth until they’re both groaning.

Goddamn. I massage his ass opening, his balls, and all the while, his dick thickens and grows hotter in my hand. He’s super excited, and into this. Good sign, not that I need one with the way he’s rocking his hips and attacking West’s lips.

My cock is leaking, wedged against his muscular ass. I need to fuck him now, or I’ll come like that. Unacceptable, when Kash consented to let me tap his fine ass.

Speaking of which… I lean away and grab the lube from the nightstand, uncap it with my teeth and pour a good amount over his ass. He breaks the kiss and twists his head to see when I massage the slippery oil between his ass cheeks and over his asshole.

When I dip a finger inside, he groans. I stretch him and add another finger that has him struggling again.

“Kash, dude. If you wanna stop, now is the time.”

“Dammit, Nate, just fucking do it.”

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