Hawk (Sex and Bullets 2) - Page 25

“Is that why your zipper is down? Been jerking off, have you?” He leans in. “Did I say you were allowed to?”

Cold slithers down my spine.


“You’re not in charge here, freak.” Hawk lifts his head and the look in his blue eyes would put an arctic winter to shame.

The effect of his words is startling. One second the beefy guy is crouching there, the next he’s bowling into Hawk, punching him.

Oh my God.

The other thug glances between the fight and the door. “Hell, Johnny, keep it down this time. We’re gonna get into trouble.”

I glance at the double door opening to the staircase, too, but it stays closed. Two metal containers sit beside it, often used as seats for the workers to rest.

God, it feels so weird to be in this place I know so well with this drama unfolding before me.

Because Johnny pulls back, licking blood from his lips, shoving Hawk back to sprawl on the floor.

Holy frigging crap. I may be mad at Hawk, but my chest tightens when he grunts and curls in, cradling his ribs, more blood running down his face.

How can he want this? I never understood the appeal of power, and this… this is sick.

Even more so when a hoarse sound rings out, and I realize it’s him.

He’s laughing.

I press my hand to my mouth to muffle a gasp. That’s it, he’s gone crazy.

“Not very obedient, are you, Johnny? I bet Mr. Sullivan won’t like it. Was your fun with me worth it?”

“Mr. Sullivan? His name’s Sandivar, you idiot. If you don’t even—”

“Johnny, goddammit, shut your mouth and let’s go.” The other guy is getting nervous, but Hawk isn’t done.

“Sandivar, that’s right. And he holds the throne of the Organization.”

“That’s not him, that’s—”

“Johnny! Jesus fucking Christ, man, let’s go!”

Johnny mutters something, then spits at Hawk. “Do you know how I enjoyed it when the Boss crushed your earpiece? Almost came in my pants. I should’ve blindfolded you again. See how cocky you’d be, deaf and dumb as you are. See if you could read my lips then.”

A stillness falls over Hawk even as I try to process what was said.

Then he launches himself at the two thugs, snarling like a savage animal, hair flying, fists raised. He punches and kicks, until they shove him off and this time when he falls to the floor, he cries out, and my heart just about stops.

“Stay down, motherfucker,” the leaner thug warns, grabs Johnny’s arm and hauls him away. “And you, enough. Jesus fuck.”

I watch them go in a daze.

Okay, back up. What was that about? Come on, Hawk is deaf?

He can’t be. Definitely can’t be. He was talking to them, talking to me. And hey, I’ve been going out with the guy for months. Sleeping with him. Wouldn’t I have noticed if he couldn’t hear?

Maybe I’m the one going crazy…


Tags: Jo Raven Sex and Bullets Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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