Seth (Damage Control 3) - Page 65

She nods and I almost come on the spot.


p; Fuck, I’m so hard I’m damn uncomfortable. I press down on my hard-on, trying to ease some of the pressure.

Then her hands are there, tugging on the waistband of my sweats. Fucking Jesus. I let her have her way, lifting my hips so she can pull the pants down.

Which leaves me in my boxer briefs with a monstrous tent in the front and her face dangerously close to it.

She puts her hand over my hard-on like before and I hiss. The muscles in my stomach contract and my dick twitches.

“It’s wet,” she whispers. “Why?”

Fuck yeah, I’m leaking like a faucet, drenching my briefs. “Because it feels good.”

Something passes over her face, a subtle shift, and she lifts both hands to the top of my briefs. She tugs them down.

Oh man. Things are moving fast. The thin cotton catches on my cock, making me moan, and then it’s off.

My dick springs free, slapping my stomach wetly, wringing another moan from my chest.

Shit. Oh God.

And then her hand closes around the base and my hips arch up.


“Feels good?” she asks.

Is she serious? “Fuck, yeah.”

“How do you do it? How do men do it?”

I put my hand over hers. “Just… move. Squeeze.”

The words catch in my throat when she does just that. Fuuuuck. I can’t help it, I rock my hips, pushing my dick into her grip.

“Like this?”

I don’t have breath to reply. Can’t remember why we’re doing this, but thank fuck we are.

Almost there. Everything in my body clenches tight, the pressure bending me in two.

“Should I stop?”

Yes. No. Can’t stop.

Gritting my teeth, I move her hand on my cock, up, down, guide it to the small slit on the crown. It’s completely wet, and her touch there makes me shiver. This is so good. I rub it up and down, making the hold more slippery, and…

Fuck. I start to come. Not sure we were supposed to go this far, but I can’t stop it. Pleasure is ripping through me, crashing into me like a freight train gone off the tracks. I cry out her name as I fall back, coming and coming, spraying my chest with sticky ropes of cum.

Shit. What have I done?

Chapter Twelve


My name. He called my name as he came.

Tags: Jo Raven Damage Control Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024