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Ocean (Damage Control 5)

Page 31

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The man lifts his arm and peers at me from overly bright dark eyes. “Kayla?”

He’s handsome, even though he’s too thin, his cheeks kind of sunken in, and his lips cracked. His eyes are expressive and deep, his face all angles and shadows.

Not as handsome as Ocean, but handsome all the same.

He props himself up on his elbows, the blanket slipping down his chest, and whoa, his chest is bare and ripped, covered in tattoos and… scars?

Okay, this is getting more confusing by the minute.

“I, um.” I make a vague gesture toward the door. “Maybe I should—”

“I’ll show you where the kitchen is,” Ocean says and starts off toward the entrance. He grabs my groceries and shoots me a brilliant smile that blinds me for a sec, leaving stars in my eyes. “This way. Hard to get lost in here.”

“—should go?” I whisper.

Too late. If I say it out loud, it will sound awful, like I’m not pleased to meet Jason, whoever he is—and besides, I promised to make soup.

Why the soup? Why am I here? What in the world?

My cards didn’t warn me about this. Nothing warned me about the fond look on Jason’s face as he follows Ocean with his gaze, or about Ocean’s quick eye roll in the other man’s direction. There’s some fondness there, too, mixed with vague exasperation.


“Ocean…” My mind spinning, I hurry after him, across the living room and through a low door into a kitchenette.

“Sorry I asked you for this,” he says, emptying the bag on the tiny table in the kitchen corner. “I just fucking panicked for a moment. I’ll pay for the groceries. Gimme the receipt.”

“It’s fine,” I mumble, trying to get over my shock. I go to stand beside him by the table and nudge him in the ribs. “Hey, I didn’t know.”

“Know what?” He winces and wraps an arm around his middle, which reminds me of the awful bruises he’s got there. Before I apologize, he moves away to open a cupboard and take out a pot. “Oh right. Jason. Yeah, I didn’t get the chance to tell you about him.”

“Oh, it’s fine.” I swallow hard, plaster on a smile. Ah well. “He’s cute.”

Ocean turns toward me, a frown pinching his features. “What?”

“He’s cute. Real pretty.”

His scowl darkens.


“You think he’s pretty.” His voice is flat.

I shrug, busy myself with the veggies I bought, sorting them. “Sure I do. I wish you’d told me about him earlier. I was starting to crush on you, you know.”

Safe to say it now, I guess.

“You were?” he whispers. “You are? Having a crush on me?”

He sounds breathless. I shoot him a glance over my shoulder as I finish piling up foodstuff. His blue eyes are wide. “Yeah. You’re pretty, too, in case you don’t own a mirror. And you did go out with girls. That confused me. Confused everyone, I guess. So are you bi?”

“Bi.” The way he says it is like he’s never heard the word before in his life.

“Bisexual. Or bi-curious?” I turn to face him fully. “Why are you staring at me like that? Did you think I wouldn’t approve? I’m fine with it.” Just disappointed, is all. “Or are you gay-gay and the girls were a smokescreen?”

“What…?” His hands clench and unclench at his sides. He’s vibrating with some strong emotion, but his face shows mostly confusion. “What are you talking about?”

I blink. “You. And Jason.”

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