WAYLON (Ruthless MC 1) - Page 74


He winces. “You’ll have to get Waylon to sign off on everything before I can put it in. It’s Saturday, so he might still be in his trailer.”

So that’s how I come to find myself returning to the place I refused to enter ten days ago.

I’m irritated that Charlie won’t just put in an order, considering this town is supposed to be some kind of utopia and having a well-supplied medical center benefits everyone. But people are waiting back at the medical trailer for me, and I won’t be able to do my job for long without wipes. So instead of going back and forth with the general store owner, I grit my teeth and walk toward Waylon’s trailer at the top of the dirt plus sign.

I mean, I can do this. Right?

Sure, the last time I was at his trailer, things got so heated between us, I actually considered giving into his crazy demands. But I haven't seen Waylon in a week. Only heard about him from other people. Constantly. Like he’s an unseen god, affecting everything we do.

Or the devil.

Either way, the attraction I felt before shouldn’t be an issue—especially considering how pissed off I still am about him setting my clothes on fire. I mean, I’ve been wearing the same outfit for several days straight.

And besides, it isn’t like we will be alone together. I’ll just stand outside his trailer and ask him to text Charlie or whatever to clear my much-needed purchase for his town.

With that thought in mind, I knock on his trailer door.

But Waylon doesn't answer my knock. A tall and slender woman does.

She has long red hair, high, perky breasts, and she's wearing nothing but a pair of pink lace panties.


There's a naked bombshell standing at Waylon's door.

The sight of her hits me hard. Like a stone thrown straight at my heart.

It shouldn't, though.

Waylon’s woman…. I’ve been correcting people who called me that all week. But, I guess somewhere in my foolish head, I started to believe it a little bit.

All his talk about how I belonged to him. Him acting like he really wanted me and only me in his bed even though he had easy access to all the women he could want. Of course, that had been a pile of lies.

He was an MC. A criminal. All the things I'd vowed to stay away from.

Of course, he'd talk about me, belonging to him in one breath, and cheat on—No, no, that’s not correct, Amira.

Make that simply sleep with somebody else. He’d sleep with someone else while claiming to want me in his bed. But he wasn't cheating on me because we weren’t together. Just like I’ve been telling him all along, I don’t belong to him. No matter what he claimed to me and everybody else in this town.

Remembering that, I push my shoulders back and stand up straighter.

“Is Waylon home?” I ask, keeping my voice as blasé as I could while talking to a mostly naked person. I refuse to let her or the guy she spent the night with see that I'm shaken.

She looks me up and down with a considering twist of her lips. “No, he's not here, babe. Anything I can do for you?”

I grit my teeth. “Do you know where he is? I have to order some supplies, and apparently, he has to give the okay. Maybe you have some way of reaching him?”

“Sorry, babe, Reapers aren’t in the habit of giving out their numbers. But why don't you come inside and wait for him to get back? How surprised will he be when he finds the both of us here, ready to please him? I know it’s been a while since he asked me for a threesome, and I’m sure a black girl would be a treat for him.”

Was she serious? Waylon kidnapped me, burned all my things to punish me for the perceived crime of trying to leave like anyone who wasn’t part of his weirdly obedient cult would, conspired with the entire town to keep me resourceless so that I couldn’t easily get away. And now she’s asking if I want to give him a special threesome treat?

Anger surges through me. I’d call it the old anger, but this is new. I’ve never been so pissed off in my life—not even when I woke up on my wedding day to recall that my fiancé had pushed me down the stairs.

It feels like there’s a volcano about to go off inside of me.

I can’t answer her proposal. I can’t even speak. There’s so much rage clogging my throat.

I fist my hands and make myself walk away from…whoever that woman is to Waylon without another word.

“So that’s a no then?” she asks behind me with a laugh that reminds me of high school girls who like to ask questions just to be mean.

Tags: Theodora Taylor Ruthless MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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