Beautifully Broken - Page 24

Feeling panicked, I tighten my hold on his hand.

“Take a deep breath,” he says, his voice filled with patience. My eyes dart up to his, and I do as he says, filling my lungs with a mixture of air and Damian’s cologne. It has an earthy smell that has a calming effect on my frail nerves.

The corner of his mouth lifts slightly. “Ready?”

Knowing I have to take this step at some point, I nod quickly as I grab hold of Damian’s wrist with my other hand, practically clinging to him. Just like I did when he pulled me out of the container.

The thought shudders through me, and I squeak, “Wait.” I suck in a panicked breath. “Wait.”

“It’s okay. Take your time.”

My breaths keep coming faster, and it has Damian crouching a little down, so he's face to face with me. “Shh… you’re safe. Focus on taking deep breaths.”

Where Damian’s eyes used to frighten me, they now calm me. I just keep staring at him as I work to slow my breathing.

He lifts his other hand to my face, and cupping my cheek, his thumb brushes over the scar the bullet left. “I’ve got you. Okay?”

I nod, slowing my breaths even more.

“Good girl,” he murmurs when I’ve managed to work my way through the panic attack.

There’s a burst of emotion in my chest as I stare at the man who saved me. It’s powerful and akin to hero-worship because that’s what Damian is to me – my hero. My safe place.

The realization makes me look at him with new eyes that aren’t tinted with fear, and I don’t see the man, but instead… my protector.

“Ready?” Damian asks, tugging me out of my thoughts.

Turning my gaze to the front door, I nod. “I’m ready.”

With my hands clinging to Damian’s left arm, I follow him out of the house and into the sunlight. I watch as he locks the door and activates the alarm system, and then we head to the car.

Damian opens the passenger door and waits for me to climb in before he shuts the door. My eyes stay locked on him as he walks around the front of the vehicle, and when he slides in behind the steering wheel, I relax again.

Damian glances at me as he starts the engine, and then he grins. “You did well, Cara. I’m proud of you.”

His praise warms my heart, and feeling a little self-conscious, I quickly pull on my seat belt.

When Damian steers us down the driveway, I stare back at the house. It’s old and shabby looking, with the paint peeling off in places. The yard is scattered with dead leaves.

But it doesn’t matter because somehow it’s become home – my safe haven from the cruel world.

Chapter 10


After driving for twenty minutes, Damian stops outside a smallish mall. He turns off the engine, and then we sit in silence as I glance around the parking area.

It’s just a mall.

Damian moves, and when I turn my head to him, I watch as he pulls a phone out of his pocket. He holds it out to me, but when I take hold of it, he doesn’t let go, and it has me looking up.

“Don’t talk to anyone. Only call the number programmed on the phone if anything happens. Do you understand?” Damian asks.

I nod.

Worry tightens his features until he looks deadly. “Will you be okay by yourself?”

I glance to the mall entrance and watch as people go in and out of the double doors, and then I nod again.

Fear ripples up my spine, but I do my best to force it back down.

This will be good for me. I need to get out there, or I’ll never be able to cope on my own again.

I take another breath as my eyes latch onto one person and then the next. A woman with a toddler. Two teenage boys. An elderly couple.

All normal people.

Letting out a deep breath of air, I swallow down the thick spit that gathered in my mouth.

I can do this.

I have to do this.

It will be one step closer to being able to stand on my own two feet again.

I glance back to Damian, and his lips are set in a hard line. “I need to hear the word ‘yes’ from you, Cara,” he says, and his eyes darken to a deeper blue.

He seems worried about me.

I’ve been alone for so long, and seeing how concerned Damian is about me makes the warm feeling I had earlier return.

“Yes,” I answer clearly. “I’ll be okay.”

Damian nods, and then he pulls some cash out of his wallet. “Get decent clothes… stuff you like. I’ll be back in exactly sixty minutes.” His eyes hold mine. “One hour, Cara.”

“Okay,” I say to appease him as I take the money from him. “And thank you.”

Damian stares at me for a moment, and then he lifts his hand to my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. “Keep your head down,” he says, and the muscle starts to jump in his cheek. “If anything happens, find a crowded space and call me.”

Tags: Michelle Heard Dark
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024