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My Single-versary (Happy Endings 0.50)

Page 18

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“So, not only are you sexy and funny, you’re also smart and strategic.” I study him, my head tilted to match the new angle I’m seeing him at. “Explains why you have all these rules.”

He shrugs. “It’s good business practice.”

“And you need to set the tone.”

“Yeah.” After a thoughtful pause, he sits on the side of the bed. “But you know how you wanted to get out of your comfort zone?”

“Which I did—with your help.”

“Well, with you, I want to break the rules. So how would you feel about breaking them again tonight?”

“Invoke the Tropical Tryst Addendum once more?” I grin. The answer is easy. “I’d say yes times infinity.”

Time for a full report.

Once he’s gone, I grab my phone and tap out a text. I tell Katie he’s a spectacular kisser, that the sex was wall-banging, toe-curling, sheet-grabbing bliss, and that he’s the owner of the company.

And thinking about him, makes my fingers fly over the keys.

Skyler: In some ways, he doesn’t seem the boss type. He’s all Hawaiian shirts and board shorts. He’s ripped from doing stuff he loves to do, and he has this understated confidence that in the bedroom is just whoa. You know?

* * *

Katie: Uh, I’d like to.

* * *

Skyler: It was the kind of night and the kind of sex that makes you want to move to a tropical island and fall in love, forget you even have a job. And . . .

* * *

Katie: And what? I’m staring at three dots and dying here, Sky.

* * *

Skyler: Oh, shit. I can’t. I can’t go there.

I sit up straight, heart pounding in worry as I re-read my texts. I sound hung up. I sound lost in a man.

And that’s everything I want to avoid.



I saunter into the office, fresh from the shower, fresh cup of coffee in hand, fresh day of island life to enjoy. A peppy song playing during the drive from Skyler’s hotel bops through my head until Brady suddenly spins in his desk chair to stare at me.

“What?” I ask, running a hand over my hair and clothes to check for stowaway lizards or insects. It’s Hawaii. Aloha.

“You’re whistling.”

“Really?” I didn’t realize that. “Sorry. Earworm.”

He shakes his head, studying me with narrowed eyes. “That’s not an earworm whistle. That’s an extremely-satisfied-with-my-life-right-now whistle.”

That’s both accurate and insightful. I’m not a grumpy guy, but my mood is unusually content.

Brady leans back in his chair, steepling his fingers like an obnoxious know-it-all. “Well? Did you win the lottery, or did you get lucky the other way?”

I exaggerate a prim look of disapproval. “A gentleman does not kiss and tell.”

“That’s a yes, obviously.” He drops his pose, seeming just the normal amount of curious. “Is this a one-time thing or a many-time thing?”

“I really like this woman. She’s kind of awesome, and I’m seeing her again tonight.”

My friend breaks into a delighted smile. “Good luck to you, then. Where’d you meet her? Tinder, Match, Bumble . . .?”

“Uh. Well . . . ahem . . .” I open my laptop, suddenly fascinated by my email as I mumble, “None of the above.”

“No, dude!” He throws back his head and rubs his hands over his face. “Just no. You did not.”

I try to feel bad about it, but I can’t. “Yes. Yes, I did. Sorry, not sorry.”

He laughs incredulously. “Don’t apologize to me. It’s your company and your rules. I’m just shocked because you’re usually so adamant about them. You seriously slept with a client?”

“Yup.” I consider the last few days with Skyler. “And, in retrospect, maybe went on a couple of dates.”

“How do you date in retrospect?”

I shrug. “It seemed like just enjoying her company. Appreciating getting to know her better.”

“That’s exactly what dating is.”

I shoot him a doubtful stare. “I don’t know about you, but for me, not every enjoyable conversation ends up in bed.”

Brady tips his head as if to acknowledge my point, then taps his pen on the desk in an anxious staccato. “Look, I’m not one to butt in—”

When I’m finished laughing, he continues. “But you’re my friend, so I have to ask—didn’t you end up dating Mia without knowing it?”

A prickle of unease starts up my neck. “Only from her point of view. I knew where I stood.”

“Fair enough.” More pen tapping. “And you’re technically my boss, so I’m just going to mention the Travelocity-slash-Expedition-Tours fiasco.”

The prickle becomes more of an icy tingle even as I protest. “This isn’t the same thing at all. Skyler has no expectations, and she’s not vindictive.”

“Cool, cool. As long as you’ve considered the ways these things can go sideways. It’s what you’d tell the guides, so now I’m telling you.”

My buoyant mood sinks like a punctured pool float. “I do say that.” I have these rules for good reasons, which are all rushing back to me now.

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