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Dark Ties (Made Men 9)

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“That refrain is getting old.”

“Why? Because it’s true?”

“No. I don’t expect you, or anyone else, to be at my beck and call.”

“You kind of do.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Again, I beg to differ.”

Haley had to look back down at her spreadsheet to hide her smile. It was obvious Desmond was becoming irritated.

“What work are you doing?”


“For whom?”

“A previous employer.”


“No. No one you are acquainted with, to my knowledge.”

“Tell me who, and I’ll tell you if I am.”

“Whether you are doesn’t have any bearing on the work I am doing for them. If you don’t mind, I want to get to a certain point today.”

“In other words, leave?”

“Yes. Thank you for your cooperation.”

She could practically see the steam coming out of Desmond’s ears. The playboy wasn’t used to being dismissed.

Peeking underneath her lashes, she saw that the office was empty. He was angry enough that she was willing to bet he was telling his assistant to lock her out of the office when she left that day.

Curious to know if Desmond was, Haley silently opened her door.

Desmond was standing by Lucas’ desk with his back turned toward her, unwittingly giving her the advantage of remaining unseen. Only able to hear the tail end of what Lucas was saying to Desmond, Haley managed to make it to the small alcove where the water cooler was situated.

“… I put her in your office.”

“What in the fuck is Soleil doing here?”

“She was crying, so I didn’t ask her. I just shoved her in your office to get her out of sight.”

“Can this shit become more of a clusterfuck than it already is?”

Her curiosity grew at Desmond’s harsh unconcern as to why the mysterious woman was so upset.

“Keep everyone away until I can get rid of her.”

Who was Soleil? One of Desmond’s past girlfriends? Or a current one that Desmond had been hiding until their pretend romance was no longer necessary?

“Then call Jackal and find out how in the fuck she was able to get away from him and why he wasn’t able to catch her before she made it here,” Desmond snapped.

“Will do.” Lucas’ voice was just as grim.

Whoever Jackal was, he was going to bear the brunt of both men’s anger.

Hearing the opening and closing of Desmond’s door, Haley remained standing in the alcove, trying to figure out how to explain her sudden appearance while listening to the movements Lucas was making at his desk.

Lucas’ voice drew her attention back to him from the excuses she was trying to formulate into believable lies.

“Where are you? … You can stop looking. Soleil is here, at the office. How’d she manage to get past you?”

Haley pressed her back against the wall when she heard Lucas get up from his desk.

“Next time, don’t hand over a fucking job to Max without Desmond’s permission. She showed up here, using the same waterworks she used on Max. If I were you, I would bust a nut to get over here. How long will it take?”

Haley heard a pause, then Lucas’ voice moved farther away.

“I’ll inform Desmond that you’ll be here in ten. I wouldn’t stop for any red lights. Desmond is irritated enough.”

The opening of Desmond’s door had Haley using the opportunity to rush back inside her office. Quietly closing the door behind her, she moved to her office window, which overlooked the front of the building. Looking outside, she watched for anyone who seemed to be hurrying toward the front entrance.

Less than four minutes later, she watched a biker pull up next to the one whom she had seen this morning. They talked briefly, and then the one who had just arrived made a beeline toward the entrance. The man carried himself confidently, as if he could handle anything, not frightened in the least at facing Desmond, merely following orders.

Haley remained standing by the window, ready to make a lame excuse to go out to the main office when she saw the biker, Desmond, and the woman who Lucas had referred to as Soleil. From her viewpoint, she couldn’t make out any of her features, only that she was holding on to Desmond’s arm with what seemed to be a death grip.

A limo pulled up in front of the two motorcycles. Opening the door of the limo, Desmond ushered the woman inside before sliding in himself. As the limo drove away, the biker who had come inside started his bike after saying something to the one who had been there since this morning before riding off to follow Desmond’s limo.

The remaining biker didn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon, never turning his head away from the building entrance.

Haley had no idea who the woman was or her relationship with Desmond, but they had one thing in common. Both of them were being watched.


Haley arrived early the next morning after spending a fitful night’s sleep. Desmond had never shown up last night; neither had he called to tell her that he wasn’t coming. Unable to explain the hurt feelings that had kept her awake, she reminded herself that their relationship was only pretend and Desmond didn’t owe her any explanations.

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