Eternally His - Page 74

Isabel would have a beautiful party. I wouldn’t allow anyone to ruin it for her.

But first, I had a gift for her. It’d taken me a few weeks to arrange everything, and now I could finally show her what I’d done. I anticipated her brilliant smile, her joy.

My wife would never be anything but perfectly happy ever again. I would spend every day of the rest of our lives proving to both of us that I was worthy of her. Maybe one day, I would fully believe that I deserved my angel, this impossible miracle of a woman.

For now, it was enough that she was mine.

I kept a gentle grip on her hands as I led her through the garden, the stone path crunching beneath our feet. The slight tension eased from her body when the sound softened, the rich soil of the aviary quieting our footsteps. She was always calmest out here, in her beautiful, vast cage. She looked like some delicate, otherworldly creature whenever I found her tucked amongst the lush foliage with one of her beloved books.

Anticipation sparked through my veins as I released the knot at the back of her raven head, removing the blindfold.

She smiled up at me, not yet seeing what I’d done for her. I stepped behind her, wrapping one arm around her waist while my free hand came up to cup her jaw. Gently, I lifted her face, so her gaze would fall on her gift.

I knew the moment she saw the tiny, jewel-toned birds. Her chest expanded on a sharp gasp.

“Sebastián.” Her voice quavered on my name, and she tore her attention from the birds so that she could turn in my arms.

Her caramel eyes met mine, wide and shining with tentative hope. “I love them, but I don’t know if I can keep them caged,” she murmured, placing one dainty hand to my cheek. I leaned into her touch. “I don’t know if it’s right.”

I pressed a kiss into her palm. “I got them from a rescue center.” I’d anticipated her sweet concern. “They need a safe home, nenita.”

A sparkling tear slid down her cheek, beautiful and precious. “Oh, Sebastián. They’re perfect. I love them. I love you. You make me so happy.”

“I love you, Isabel,” I vowed, brushing a kiss over her forehead. “I love our home together. I wanted to make your aviary part of it again. I know how much it means to you.”

A joyous laugh bubbled from her lush lips, and my soul lifted.

“It’s perfect. Our home is perfect. I’m so excited to start our lives together.” She took my hand and pressed it to her belly, peering up at me shyly. “I want to share everything in this life with you.”

My heart skipped a beat. We’d been using protection, but…

“Are you…?” I couldn’t seem to find the air to finish my question.

She shook her head. “Not yet. But I want to be. I want to have a family with you, Sebastián. Is that… Is that something you want too?”

Savage, selfish hunger sharpened my senses. Yes, I wanted this woman. I wanted everything with her, including a child. Our family.

“Yes,” I growled, just before I crushed my lips to hers. I’d never been good with words, but I’d show her just how much I wanted this, how much I wanted all of her. She offered me everything that she was, and I gave her myself in return.

I pressed her delicate body back against the wrought iron cage, claiming her mouth in fierce, frenzied strokes. My hands shoved at her skirt, pushing it up to her waist so that I could rip her lace panties away. She fumbled at my belt, freeing my cock.

I braced my hands below her ass, lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around my hips, and she twined her fingers through the iron cage to hold herself upright. I drove into her wet heat in a single, brutal thrust. She cried out, pain edging her pleasure. As I moved her body against me, she became slick with desire, reacting to our chemistry and losing herself in our fiery connection.

My growl of savage pleasure mingled with her ecstatic moans, and she claimed my mouth in a desperate kiss. She screamed out her bliss, and her core fluttered around my cock.

“I love you,” she panted against my lips. “I love you, Sebastián.”

Her promise of devotion pushed me over the edge, and I bellowed out her name as I released my seed deep inside her, marking her in every way.

Isabel was mine completely.

My home.

My wife.

My eternity.

Tags: Julia Sykes Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024