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Kingpin's Property

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A feral growl pulled my attention fully to the present. My gaze slid past Stefano to find Mateo Ignazio glaring down at me. His eyes were dark with wild fury, his lips peeled back from his teeth in an animal snarl. He had come to my family’s estate to rescue Sofia, and his fear for her had driven him to the brink of madness. Ignazio was little more than a beast on his best days. I’d heard what he was capable of. I shuddered to think what he might do to me if I tried to keep him from Sofia now that I’d allowed him to break past my home’s defenses.

It appeared the only thing holding him back from attacking me was the restraining arm of Adrián Rodríguez, the notoriously sadistic Colombian drug lord who ruled over all of us. Without his product to traffic through Mexico and into the United States, cartels like mine and Stefano’s wouldn’t possess a quarter of the wealth we currently had at our disposal.

Rodríguez’s personal presence in this extraction mission cooled the heat that Stefano had incited in my blood. I knew Rodríguez had a close personal relationship with Ignazio, who served as his bodyguard. But if the Devil himself had chosen to enter my home, along with Stefano Duarte, this situation was far more deadly and capricious than I’d realized.

“Tell Mateo where he can find Sofia, and this will all be over soon.” Stefano’s voice was at my ear, his murmured words sinking inside me and offering perverse comfort. “I will leave your home, and you won’t be harmed tonight.”

His soothing tone grounded me, even though his nearness should horrify me. The sudden turn of events in an already tense scenario was fucking with my cognitive abilities.

“I gave you my word,” Rodríguez reminded me, his pale green, panther’s eyes gleaming through the darkness.

I swallowed hard, my mind struggling to function beyond a primal, fear-based level.

You have my word. Rodríguez’s promise echoed through my mind. You control the Ronaldo Cartel now, Carmen. Tell us how we can access your estate.

We’d struck that bargain less than half an hour ago, when I’d called him and arranged this deal: access to my estate for Ignazio to rescue Sofia and kill my brother, and in exchange, I would be supported as the new head of the Ronaldo family cartel.

If anyone in my organization suspected that I had a hand in helping Ignazio kill my brother, I’d get a bullet in my brain. The only way I could maintain the power that Rodríguez offered was if Pedro’s associates and small army of loyal men believed that I was the most effective leader for our organization. Rodríguez’s support would ensure my position, but only if my subterfuge remained secret.

I wouldn’t be the one to wield the knife, but ultimately, Pedro’s demise would be at my hands. The bastard would be dead within the hour, and I would have more than I’d ever dared to dream: power, respect, security.

I just had to gather my wits and navigate the altered scenario. Stefano and Rodríguez might be inside my protective fortress alongside Ignazio, but that didn’t mean the terms of our deal had changed. All I had to do was guide the men to my brother, and then I could claim the control that would ensure my survival.

Keeping my eyes locked on Rodríguez, I managed a small nod, moving my head as much as I was able with Stefano’s hand pressed against my mouth.

The bastard’s low hum of approval rumbled against my chest, sinking deeper into my body to spark the heat my terror had doused.

He dropped a doting, mocking kiss on the tip of my nose, as though expressing pride in me for good behavior.

Rage swelled, the furious burn eclipsing the disconcerting, sensual heat he’d stirred inside me. This was how Stefano operated: he toyed with his prey. He found it amusing to manipulate me, twisting me in knots before disengaging with an arrogant smile.

His weight lifted from my body, leaving me free to move and speak. Once he got to his feet, he held out a hand, offering to help me up with his signature gentlemanly veneer.

Only a fool would fall for his false smiles and gentility. I wasn’t a fool. Not anymore.

I scowled at him and stood up without his assistance, only wobbling slightly as I found my balance. All my instincts for self-preservation screamed at me to keep my eyes on Stefano, but I needed to display strength to the predators around me. I was one of them, and I had to remind them of my own personal power.

They might all be physically stronger than me, but I was outranked only by Rodríguez in this little group. Ignazio was technically beneath me, even if he could snap my neck with one hand. And once my brother was dead and the Ronaldo Cartel was mine, Stefano Duarte would be my equal.

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