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Sonata (Butcher and Violinist 2)

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“I love this.” Eden looked like she was close to taking notes.

“For the heightened effect, you want highly fragrant flowers.”

“Okay. I’m thinking rose for sure.” Eden scanned the wooden boxes of blooms and petals. “What are the others?”

“Let’s see.” Penelope took them all in. “Honeysuckle and lavender are good ones to add. It’ll make a nice bouquet for the nose.”

Hmmm. Rose.

Penelope had several essential oils in front of me. One had been labeled rose. I picked it up, placed a drop on my wrist, and inhaled.

It definitely reminded me of roses. A scent that always made me think of the first time I bought Eden a bouquet of them. I inhaled my wrists again and thought of how I fucked Eden in the hot tub. Rose petals had clung to her wet skin as she moaned.

I grunted. “Yes. This will definitely do.”

Penelope left, disappearing into the back of the store. Eden looked my way and smiled, even though sadness lay in her eyes. She was doing her best to not be depressed.

I took her hand in mine. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better, but you always take care of me.”

“I try.”

“You do.”

Penelope returned with three small glasses and a large bottle of whiskey. “Here we go. Let’s make a toast to the dead. They love it when we do.”

And we did. We drank like sailors in a bar that had just come home from sea. The whole time we sprayed or dabbed fragrances all over us.

It was a blast.

Penelope told us more about her late husband. She’d met him in a brothel of all places. She sold perfume to many of the women. He’d done maintenance. They bumped into each other at the service entrance.

“And with one sniff of Hugo, I knew I’d found the love of my life.” She finished her glass and poured some more. “That was how good Hugo smelled.”

“How did you start dating?”

“He smelled me. And just asked me out right there on the spot. We went out that night. Dinner and dancing. The full moon was out. The wind crisp and cool. He gave me his jacket and then a kiss…” She paused as if lost in that moment and then cleared her throat. “Either way, I’m better off because of my meeting Hugo. My life changed.”

“That’s amazing.”

“Love is amazing.” Penelope poured Eden more whiskey and gestured my way to see if I also wanted more.

I shook my head. The both of them were pretty drunk, as they giggled and spilled a few vials. I’d more stepped into the nurturer department. Happy that Eden was losing herself in fun.

“Do you know what the most expensive bottle of perfume is?” Penelope asked.

I leaned in with interest. “I don’t. What is it?”

“The perfume is called Obsession.”

“Hmmm.” I grinned. “Now that’s intriguing. Tell me more.”

“The bottle is encrusted with rubies, diamonds, and gold. It costs $20 million.”

Eden sipped her whiskey. “That better be a fabulous scent. Where would you get it?”

“The place where you can get most ridiculously expensive things.” She expanded her hands and giggled. “Paris. Where all ridiculously expensive things are sold.”

“I still can’t wrap my head around the $20 million.” Eden scrunched her face in confusion.

“Well, the bottle itself covers $1.5 million. The customization of the scent is what brings the value up to $20 million. First of all, each bottle takes more than thirty-five people to make.”

Eden laughed. “It better take more than that, if I’m buying it. And it should come with land, a house, and staff. Maybe even a yacht.”

“And Jesus or Buddha should be driving the yacht. Somebody important.” Penelope cheered her glass with Eden. “But those that buy the bottle are also buying the experience of making it. They’re invited to fly around the world with the company as they process and select each ingredient.”

“Do they fly in a jet?” I asked.

“Of course.” Penelope batted her lashes and shifted to a dramatic voice. “It must be the jet, darling. You’re not getting the buyer on coach.”

“The name Obsession is perfect for it,” I said. “I’m sure the process probably becomes an obsession in itself.”

Penelope nodded. “They do say the process is a journey.”

Eden snorted. “It better be for $20 million.”

They both laughed.

The shop’s front door opened.

Penelope turned around. “Oh, we’re closed.”

“Don’t worry.” I rose from my seat and spotted Giorgio. “Only my men will be coming in here. They’re guarding the front.”

Giorgio took in the shop as he walked forward.

What is wrong now?

Eden’s gaze filled with terror.

I shook my head. “Don’t worry. Usually Giorgio brings good news.”

It was a half-truth, but she didn’t need to fear for the moment. I wanted her to enjoy her fragrances, the whiskey, and even the fellow company of a woman who’d lost someone dear to her too.

Giorgio waited several feet away.

“I’ll be right back.” I walked over to him. “What’s going on?”

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