No Saint (Wild Men 6) - Page 46

Subdued, I think this over. “You think it’s that?”

“Positive. The guy likes you. He always watches you when he’s here.”

He does, huh?

If anyone knows how hard it is to strike up a conversation with someone you barely know, or worse, someone you like, it’s me. I’m the queen of awkwardness, so... am I being too hard on Jenner?

And, wait... does that mean Jenner likes me?

Oh boy. How can a person like me, who’s never really known what flirting is like, figure out how this game is played?


“So... Jenner is coming on to you, in his own unconventional way,” Dena says, chewing gum and trying her best to be a waitress stereotype. She’s doing all right. Right now, she looks like she’s in cosplay, not the real world. “And Ross has vanished. That a good summary of events?”

“Is unconventional a nice word for creepy?” I mutter, still unconvinced.

And trying to ignore the second fact.

That Ross is avoiding me.

And my inexplicable worry about a bully I should’ve kept away from in the first place.

“Whatcha gonna do?” Dena is gazing out at the mostly empty tables. Following her line of sight, I find Jenner, who’s still working on his burger and fries.

I wince. “About?”

“Both of them.”

“Nothing.” I give a slight shrug.

“But which one do you want?”

“I don’t want...” I draw a breath and try again. “I don’t want either of them, all right?”

She doesn’t believe me. I can tell from her expression. Not surprising, since I don’t believe me, either.

Ross. It’s Ross I want, and that’s the last thing I’m telling Dena. The last thing I need.

Throwing myself into work seems like the only sensible thing to do. Pasting on a smile for the customers, I put all my focus into carrying those plates back and forth without breaking them or spilling leftover sauce on everyone.

I tell myself it’s for the best that Ross isn’t around, that it’s my chance to set my head and my heart straight, see what’s important, think ahead.

As the days pass, I almost manage to convince myself that I don’t need him—almost, almost there—when I find him right in front of me once more, outside his dad’s garage, and the world falls still.

Chapter Fourteen


Fucking Conrad. Acting all great and mighty because he owns the only grocery store in town. Like I can’t hop on a bus and go buy what I need elsewhere.

I rub at the healing cuts under my T-shirt and wince. I can’t get Luna’s face out of my mind. Her wide eyes, full of goddamn pity.


I just needed some basics, and some dogfood for Buddy. What am I supposed to do now, huh?

Get by until Stacy’s back, duh. She never kicked me out of the store. God knows why she hasn’t been there lately.

Tags: Jo Raven Wild Men Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024