No Saint (Wild Men 6) - Page 68

“Now be better.”

“Be better.” That simple.

Could it be enough?


“I have to go,” she says sometime later, and I look up, startled.

“Right, sure.”

Of course she does. She has a life, a family, and they’re waiting for her. It felt so natural, having her here. So normal.

“Will you be okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll be okay.”

I’ve had infections before. Some cuts from that goddamn belt went deep. But I recovered, hid the agony from everyone, went back to school, went on living. I’m strong. I don’t need anyone around, I don’t need—

“Don’t forget the pills,” she says softly. “Promise you won’t. Check the instructions on the package and eat something. That fever had better go down by tomorrow or I’m dragging your ass to the doc’s.”

“You are?” I’m vaguely horrified at the threat, vastly amused, but mostly confused and, I have to admit it, pleased.

“You bet I am. Somebody’s got to take care of you until you’re back on your feet, you stubborn ass.”

“And it might as well be you? Wanna ogle my hot body again? You only have to ask, you know.”

A fierce blush splashes on her cheeks. “Oh shut up, you oversexed lug.”

God, so fucking cute. “Sad but true. It’s a medical condition. I need your help.”

“I bet you got girls lining up to help you with that.”

Shit. I shake my head. “I don’t. Luna...”

She lifts her chin, eyes flashing in challenge. “I shouldn’t care.”

But that means that she does. I smother a grin, strangle it, because I won’t read anything into this, I fucking won’t, but damn it’s hard, no pun intended. She shouldn’t care, and I shouldn’t feel like my heart’s about to fucking burst.

God, I love this girl.

Hot damn...

Chapter Nineteen


I spend my Sunday trying not to think about Ross, not worry about that stubborn fever. My plan is to slip out later, in the evening, go over to check on him. If he stays there. He’s always been so adamant about not wanting to sleep in that house, I can’t bet on it. He should rest, build up his strength.

Here I am, concerned over a strong guy who’s survived his dad, and prison, and God knows how many beatings.

Dad said everyone needs someone to look after them.

What about mom? Where is she now? Is she alone, is she with someone? Has she built herself a new family? I hesitate to ask Dad. He never wanted to talk about her.

Josh is not talking to me. Big surprise. I need to speak with him, explain—but I’m not sure what to say. How to explain something I barely understand.

How much I enjoy our talks.

Tags: Jo Raven Wild Men Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024