Bad Son (Wild Men 3.50) - Page 2

Girls’ hot. Her lips are soft, shiny with red lip gloss, her blue eyes wide. I wonder how they’d taste, how they’d feel wrapped around my dick.

I wouldn’t mind pushing her against a wall and taking my pleasure from her. Most girls at school would beg for it. Have begged for it, on occasion.

Fuck. Adjusting the straps of my backpack hanging from one shoulder, I turn to go.

“We’re neighbors, remember?” she says brightly at my back. “I’ll be seeing you around.”

And the prospect, somehow, doesn’t annoy me as much as I thought it would.


Sitting in my attic room, at the window, I gaze down at the quiet, darkening street, at the trees down its far side, the old houses and cars parked outside. Two kids are running in circles, chasing after a ball.

I tilt my head back and let out a breath.

The Lowes are nice people, and their house is clean and quiet. Sebastian, their son, is a little shit, arrogant as fuck and clearly unhappy to be sharing his breathing space with me.

But that’s nothing new. If he thinks he’ll scare me off...

I snort. Scare me off. As if I’d leave. Where would I go? I just turned eighteen, but I own nothing in this world except for my few things. I don’t have savings deposited in the bank, or hidden under my mattress. And I should really finish school, while I’m here, while things are easy and life peaceful.

Before it all goes tits-up once more and I find myself in a new place, with new people to please and a new world order to adjust to.

When Connor adopted me, I thought I’d reached my destination, the end of the line. A cop, tall and strong, he vaguely reminded me of my father. I have faint memories of my real parents, before the accident that killed them. Bearded, burly, gruff, Connor could have been my uncle.

And he wanted to be my family. He signed the adoption papers right away, even though I was a surly, annoying kid. I’d been only ten but I’d been passed around a lot already, and had found that I had in me a huge, deep fucking rage directed at the world.

This world that didn’t seem to want me.

And then the world killed him, and left me to my own devices once again. I doubt I’ll ever find anyone to stay with. A family. It’s

over now, no matter what the Lowes seem to think. They won’t keep me. Why would they? Sebastian would have a fit, and I’m not good at school, or at anything else—except for the things that mattered to Connor, like shooting a gun and getting the upper hand in a fight.

What fucking use am I to the Lowes?

Someone is walking down the street and I lean forward to see better through the dusty glass, not sure what caught my attention.

It’s her. Augusta. Gigi. She’s walking together with a tall, skinny boy, his pale hair catching the low afternoon light.

“Motherfucker,” I mutter and open the window, lean out, my heart hammering in my chest. “Who the fuck are you, asshole?”

Why is she talking to him? With such familiarity. She looks at ease by his side. Comfortable. Too comfortable.

He’s taller than her, and she tilts her face up to look at him. The way she laughs at something he said... it makes my breath catch.

Jesus. I honestly have no fucking idea why I’m so pissed. No idea what I’m doing.

I sit back, open my pack of smokes and pull one out. I tap it against my palm, still looking at the two of them strolling, their heads bent together in conversation.

Why should I be surprised she has someone? She’s pretty. So damn pretty. I bet she’s doing great in school, too. A golden girl.

And I’m a black sheep. A sheep in wolf’s clothing. Marked by death. Bad to the bone. Someone who’s stolen, and lied, and lost his way.

God knows, I was lost from the start.

Chapter Two


Tags: Jo Raven Wild Men Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024