Ruthless Arrangement (Underworld Kings) - Page 11

“Apparently, they think you’ve gone soft, Killian. Maybe they think that since you’ve taken up residence behind a desk, you just sit with your thumb up your ass and try to look pretty?”

“Fuck you, E-Z,” I growl, rolling my eyes. Taking my gun out of the holster under my jacket, I grip it in my hand. I lean down once again, letting the muzzle of my gun graze along his face. “You know you’re going to die. The only question is if your death will come quick or slow. I truly haven’t decided yet. So, think before your open your fucking mouth. Tell me who else was in on this scheme because I’m sure that you aren’t smart enough to pull this off on your own.”

"They are either too dumb to remember or too dumb to give up their partners," E-Z answers in their silence. "We've beaten them senseless over the last twenty-four hours. Got nothing more than what I gave you."

"We'll find the rest of them. Smoke them out of their fucking rat den,” I growl, the urge to have them in my grasp nearly overpowering.

"Go to hell," one of them grunts, puffing his chin out like he's still mustering up whatever courage he has left. That's almost commendable, but he's a thief and a liar. I don't tolerate either.

"No doubt, but you’ll be there first. Make sure to keep my seat warm," I respond, taking aim and then shooting both men point-blank, splattering blood on my hands and all over the plastic tarp.

One of the security guys hands me a cloth. I wipe my hands on it, dropping it down onto the plastic as the men begin to clean up. It’s not a great part of the job, but it’s a fact of the life I live. Both security guys start to roll up the bodies as E-Z and I start talking business.

“Someone appears to be gunning for you, Killian.”

“It would seem. It’s not the first time,” I remind him. It’s not. E-Z has been with me every step of the way. He knows about everything there is when it comes to me.

“You need to be careful until they’re unearthed,” he warns, and I nod.

“Already doing it,” I assure him.

"This life is starting to get fucking old,” Ezra mutters. “There are days I just want to hop on my bike and leave it all behind.”

“No one gets out of this life, E-Z—at least not breathing,” I answer, not telling him anything he doesn’t already know.

“Yeah, I’m just pissed. It really fucking bothers me that the boss man hired extra muscle. Especially when the family is suffering security breaches like these two fuckups,” he mumbles, watching as the men finish cleaning. Once they get the bodies secured, they will take them out the service entrance and down through the back of the garage. We have a special way of getting rid of evidence. By the time they’re finished, there will be nothing left of the traitors to find. “This job should be held in house," E-Z says, combing a hand through his hair. He's been worked up about it since he heard the news. I can't blame him. Besides me, he's the one that picks the guys to do the dirty work, so with the old man deciding to go around him, he can't help but take it personally. Hell, I can’t lie. I’m taking it personally, too.

"I get it. I'm not exactly happy either. The old man has faith in this Bones guy. At least he’s done jobs for him in the past."

"I don't like it. Now, on top of that, they want me in Italy. I hate flying. I need to stay here to make sure this job goes smoothly."

"Once you get over there and taste some Italian women, you'll be in heaven," I joke, clapping him on the back. “You may never want to come home.” We both get a good laugh out of it, knowing he will have his hands full as soon as he steps off the plane. Women flock to E-Z, and he enjoys every minute of it.

"I can't argue that, but if this new crew fucks things up, I want to be the one called in to teach them a lesson," he says seriously.

"I wouldn’t call anyone else to help me with that job," I assure him, hearing a noise by the elevator. I turn my head to listen, but I don't hear anything else. I still need to check it out. “Did you hear that?” I murmur, distracted.


“I’ll be back,” I tell him, moving swiftly. I start walking down the hallway to investigate. I reach the elevator and don't see anyone. I shake my head thinking it's the job coming up that has me so fucking jumpy. I'm always overly cautious, but there's something about this deal that just feels off.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024