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Ruthless Arrangement (Underworld Kings)

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I shake my head, pursing my lips to keep from saying anything else. I’ve totally lost it. Not only did I just sneak in here, but now I’m talking to myself.

I step off the elevator and round the corner. I stop dead in my tracks, scrambling back against the wall to stay hidden. I can see five men standing over something, two of them have guns drawn—one of those men being Killian.

I listen to a guy with long hair tell Killian about a gift. He motions to two men who are kneeling on plastic with their hands bound behind them. He explains that those two have been stealing from the O’Leary’s.

I’m watching it all with horror building up inside of me. I can’t truly believe what I’m seeing. It’s like a scene from The Sopranos is taking place right before my eyes. My heart is pounding crazily.

Killian leans down slowly, a glint coming off a gun in his hand. I can’t fully hear what he’s saying, but he sounds mad. I lean forward a little bit to hear him better.

"We'll find the rest of them. Smoke them out of their fucking rat den,” Killian says.

The rest of who? Is he talking about my dad? Does Killian already know what he is up to? The man on his knees tells Killian to go to hell. Shit. I need to get the hell out of here.

Killian basically tells him that he will see him there. Then, there’s a moment of eerie silence before two gunshots ring out. I cover my mouth to keep from screaming as I start to shake. Oh God. I need out of here now. You can’t reason with a man like Killian. He shot those two in cold blood. If I don’t leave here, I’ll probably be next. Plus, I’m now convinced that it doesn’t matter what I say.

If I warn Killian about my father… He’ll torture him and kill him without thought.

I look around, desperate for escape. There’s a sign pointing to the stairs, and I hustle out of there as fast as my feet will carry me. I think that will be safer than the elevator. I don’t want to take a chance that Killian will hear the elevator. I need out of here quickly and taking the stairs should help me bypass the receptionist’s desk if she’s back. There were no stairs in the main lobby. With any luck, they will come out at a back entrance.

I can’t tell Killian anything about my dad. If I do, he’ll kill him. I have to stay far, far away from him.



Sierra walks into my office as I look up from my computer. She hands me a coffee with phone messages—just like she does every morning. I take a big gulp of my coffee, needing the caffeine. Sierra's got a smile playing on her lips like she can't wait to tell me something. I know she’s just waiting for me to set my coffee down.

"What is it, Sierra?" I murmur. I like her well enough, but today I really want to be alone.

"You had a visitor the other day, Killian. A Belle Tate, I believe? A sexy little redhead all dolled up to see you," Sierra responds. She waits, looking at me for my response. I don't get any female visitors, especially at work or around anyone related to my job. It's a shock that Belle would come here. With her father being a caddie, she has to know what kind of business we are in and how dangerous it can be. She shouldn't even be seen here or around her father if she wants to stay safe.

Those are my first thoughts, then I get pissed off that I’m worried about the red head’s safety. She’s nothing to me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I couldn’t send her up because you asked not to be disturbed, but the girl seemed really upset she couldn’t see you.”

"What day?" I ask, furrowing my brow, confused as to why she would be here. I can't think of any reason why she would willingly seek me out.

"It was the day Vince passed out in the garage. I keep telling him to eat better because his sugar gets too low," she gripes. She's his longtime girlfriend and constantly worries about his health. “The doctor warned him it would start to interfere with his daily activities and look what happened. He scared me and Joe half to death. The fool man doesn’t listen. I warned him that he could fall into a coma! He thinks he can control it just by monitoring it himself. Then, he feels bad but ignores it. I just don't understand that man. I’m now carrying all his supplies in my purse and a special lunch box just in case that happens again. At least that way, I’ll be prepared even if he refuses to be."

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