Ruthless Arrangement (Underworld Kings) - Page 44

“How did you know this was one of my favorite shirts?” I ask. “Was it just a lucky guess, or did you get Mavis to help you pack?”

“I…well, out of all of your clothes, these seemed to be the softest, you know? They were more worn…”

“I see,” I murmur, realizing that my new wife is very smart and perceptive. I turn to face her with the shirt in my hands. “Take off your underwear,” I order, smiling while holding up the shirt for her. I had planned to avert my eyes, but she takes the shirt from me.

I watch, fascinated, as she pulls it over her head, sliding it down her body. As it falls down her body, the towel drops to the floor. I look closely, hoping to see what she’s insisted on keeping hidden from me—no such luck. She doesn't stick her arms out but slowly starts to undo her bra, dropping it away and then removes her panties without me seeing anything but her legs. She finally slides her arms through, and I almost want to clap at her little trick.

"Seems my wife has some hidden talents," I murmur, a smile pulling at my lips. I pick up the wet clothes, hanging them from the shower rod. She laughs, realizing she caught me off guard with her little trick.

She leans over, going through the bag until she pulls out a zip lock bag with toothbrushes and toothpaste in it. "Me, first," she announces. She all but runs past me as I walk back into the main room.

Watching her go, the foreign feeling of being in over my head comes over me. I stand still just watching Belle. I suddenly realize I wasn't expecting to want my wife as much as I do. I didn't plan on her being…special.

Running into Belle the first time when I was looking for her father, I knew she was more beautiful than she knew—just based on how she holds herself. When she spoke, the innocence that radiated from her caught me off guard.

I would be lying if I said I hadn't wanted Belle and would have probably gone back to explore my reaction to her. Still, the bullshit happened, and I let everything go. I had thought to use Belle to pay a debt that was her father’s. Tonight, though, has given me a chance to realize she’s separate from the shitstorm that has consumed my life. She constantly surprises me.

"Your turn," she says, walking out. I go into the bathroom, still reeling—confused as I brush my teeth. I'm looking in the mirror, but I don’t really see my reflection. I'm more focused on my thoughts. I wasn’t expecting this at all. Hell, I have the urge to open up and talk with Belle. I was supposed to marry her, use her body, and keep her at arm’s length. Instead, I find myself wanting more. She unapologetically shares herself with me whenever she talks. I never expected her to try and care for me. Making food for me today like she did definitely caught me off guard. Then, there’s this whole night in general. She got my father to pull strings, but there’s no doubt in my mind that it all came from Belle.

I walk back to see her already in bed. I climb in behind her, pulling her lush body against me until we are spooning. It feels amazing just to lay here with her pressed against me. I can't even remember the time I've ever spooned anyone let alone enjoyed it. I have a rule that I never bring women to my bed so that when I’m done, I leave. Belle is different because she’s my wife, but the need I have to keep her close, to touch her—hell, and apparently even cuddle her—is completely foreign.

It doesn’t change the facts, though. Belle’s soft body melds to my hard one like she was made for me. It feels right. I kiss her neck, unable to stop myself from whispering against her ear. “Thank you for a great night, Belle.” I feel the tiny shiver that moves through her body. Her ass pushes against my hard cock, too. I smile, loving that she reacts to me so easily.

"I should be the one thanking you, Killian. I mean, you gave me—well…you know," she stutters. My lips stretch into a grin as I kiss the back of her neck again. “I didn’t—I mean—I didn’t do anything for you,” she adds, fumbling around as she won't say orgasm. I can't help but smile. "And you didn't get anything."

I turn her around, so I can see her face as she lays under me. “Trust me, I got just as much from what we shared as you did, baby. Soon, I'll have more.”

My words sink in as her eyes go-round with surprise as I lean in to kiss her.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024