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Ruthless Arrangement (Underworld Kings)

Page 53

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“Just like you have nothing to be sorry for with Orla sending her nephews as her thugs.”

“We can agree to disagree on that,” he says, shaking his head.


“Do you want to waste time talking about people who don’t deserve the breath you would use, or would you like to have breakfast with your husband?”

Why didn’t I think about all the things I will get to experience with him here? Even for three short days, I get to see him here. We will be in his home… together.

“That sounds like heaven.”



“What’s that smile on your face about, beautiful?” Killian asks, watching me as we finish our breakfast.

I self-consciously reach up and touch the worst of the bruises on my face. “I’m not sure I’d use the word beautiful describing me right now, Killian—or any time really.”

“You are truly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, Belle O’Leary. Don’t you dare think otherwise.” His use of my married name makes me feel warm inside and I know it causes me to blush. “What?” he prompts, apparently having seen the emotion flickering on my face.

“I like that you called me O’Leary. I love that I have your name now, Killian.”

“I love it, too, baby,” he responds.

“You do?” I ask, feeling as if I can barely breathe. His eyes are sparkling and that combined with the look on his face makes me think that he cares for me. Could it be possible that Killian is falling in love with me like I already have with him? Is that too much to hope for?

“I do, but you’re distracting me. What were you thinking a minute ago?”

“Oh, I was just excited because we get the day together. I mean, I assume you can’t leave the house, but we’ll be together. I can get Mavis to cook us a special dinner tonight if you want? Or we can just send everyone away and you and I can veg out and watch old movies…” I trail off, worried that I might be giving too much away. I’m secretly hoping he will pick the latter of those two options. I want the house alone with Killian—although I don’t really want to watch television with him. I want to make love with Killian knowing we are in his bed—our bed. I want to go to sleep in his arms, feel them around me all night and wake up with them still there knowing that they won’t be taken away from me—at least not right away.

“I have some business to attend to this morning, sweetheart. Ryan will be coming over. After that, though, I’m yours all evening.”

“Oh. Well, I mean, you guys can work in your office, and I’ll make sure not to bother you. I can always cook for the two of you—”

“We won’t be here, sweetheart. But you’ll have guards here while I’m gone. You’ll be safe.”

“You’re allowed to leave the house?” I ask, confused.

“I can be within a certain distance,” he says vaguely. He doesn’t look me in the eyes either, which immediately makes me think he’s not being truthful—at least not completely. I decide to let it pass. I love Killian, but I’ve decided to live in blissful ignorance on what his job entails. I can’t change who he is, or that he’s Ryan O’Leary’s son. I have to love all of him—not just the parts I don’t like. Truthfully, the parts I like far outweigh any of the ones I don’t.

“Oh,” I finally respond, not sure what else to say.

“I promise to be back soon,” he vows, and I nod. I start to have second thoughts. Maybe his feelings aren’t involved. He did say this was an arrangement for him and that he would protect me, but he didn’t do love. Suddenly, I’m starting to feel like I’m in over my head. I can’t plead with him to stay with me. It would probably upset him, and I don’t even know why I would be pleading. Would it be because I’m hopelessly needy and want all his time while he’s here? If I admit to that, he will immediately know I’m in love with him. Maybe it’s because I’m worried that he’ll get in trouble or hurt. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that whatever business he’s taking care of probably has to do with Orla and her nephews. He’ll be retaliating because of me. “Belle, look at me,” he orders, his voice going deeper and more stern.

“Yeah?” I ask, looking at him, more confused than ever.

“I promise this will be over relatively quick, and then, I’ll be back here to spend all my time with you.”

I nod, knowing that that’s more than I should expect. I’m grateful, but it still feels wrong. I hide all of that the best I can and moisten my lips, rubbing them together.

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