Ruthless Arrangement (Underworld Kings) - Page 63

"I got him out temporarily after Killian's wife, my daughter-in-law, was beaten by Sergei and Demetri.” He pulls out a small folder that I didn’t even know he had. He moves it to the center of the table and flips it open. Anger boils through me instantly. These are pictures that I’ve never been shown. I now know the ones E-Z showed me in jail were after she’d been cleaned up and treated. These are raw—the kind they do on intake at the hospital as evidence in a crime. I pick one up with a trembling hand. I didn’t make them suffer enough—any of them.

“Our Belle discovered Orla’s treachery and was coming to tell me when they accosted her at her place of business," Ryan says, looking between Aleksandr and Kirill, who both look skeptical.

"What is your proof?" Kirill asks.

“I’ve given you two folders full of proof, and you have my word. If that is not enough, then our meeting is over. I have been nothing but above board with the Bratva. I saved your life without asking for recompense and never calling in the marker one time over the years yet always being on the ready to help the Bratva in any way possible. I have always been a strong ally. I even honored a wife who betrayed me by not claiming my son and my rightful heir."

I tense at the mention of my name and shift uncomfortably in my seat. I've listened to my father bring my wife and me into this meeting which was not the plan. I'm about ready to take his head off and might've already, but too much rides on this meeting.

"You're a coward for letting her die at another man's hand," Kirill snarls, "A coward who deserves—"

"That's enough!" Aleksandr snaps at him before turning back to Ryan. "My apologies. You have been a strong ally. Kirill realizes this, too. Emotions are way too high at the moment. We would like to give our people a proper burial.”

"The Ruin has them and are awaiting you to claim them," Ryan responds, rising as the older gentleman does before shaking hands. This one is less tense.

"I hope that, despite this setback, we will be working closely in the future," Aleksandr says, holding onto Ryan's hand as he says it.

"I admit that losing Orla and her betrayal has shaken me. I'll be stepping down. My son Killian will be taking over from here. I just need to find a way to get him out of the mess this has put him in. Perhaps this would be something you would be willing to help with? As a sign of good faith for future dealings? I do know the Bratva was the biggest source of campaign funds when the governor announced his desire to run for the presidency next year.”

Aleksandr gives a grin that might betray a wry humor. I wouldn’t have thought it possible of him.

“I suppose that would be a step in the right direction to keep our business arrangements intact,” he allows.

“It would,” Ryan agrees.

“I will see what I can do to get your son a pardon," Aleksandr vows.

"I plan on honoring my father’s alliances. The Bratva have always dealt with us honorably."

Aleksandr turns to acknowledge me silently. I extend my hand to him, and he shakes it as well as Kirill’s. He seems to have calmed down after being chastised.

"I'm sorry that Orla brought shame to the family." Aleksandr looks at Kirill before looking back at Ryan, silently implying how big of a deal losing this partnership would be. Kirill still looks skeptical but not enough to voice it.

"The shame is Orla's, not the family," Ryan tells Aleksandr. I want to roll my eyes, but I'm still trying to process Ryan’s request to get a pardon for me. There's a chance that I can come home to my wife sooner than I thought. The old man clearly had a few surprises that I didn't see coming.



When I wake up, I roll over to find Killian sleeping next to me. I feel a little bit better knowing he's home. My muscles and body are still aching from the attack. Still, I didn't even feel him lay down next to me, so I have no idea when he got home.

I let him sleep. Easing from the bed and tiptoeing to my closet, I grab some clothes and head to the bedroom across the hall. There are toiletries already in the guest bathroom. Mavis makes sure everything is stocked and ready in this house. She’s amazing.

Being alone in the house with only Mavis most days, she and I have gotten very close. That's how I found out a guy was staying in the guest suite across the house. He’s wearing the electronic ankle bracelet, so Killian won't get into trouble. She let it slip by accident, and I promised to keep her secret. That’s why I haven’t mentioned it to Killian. Besides, he should have told me himself.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024