Ruthless Arrangement (Underworld Kings) - Page 65

“He’ll probably not even notice I’m gone,” I mutter.

“That’s doubtful,” E-Z laughs. “He will definitely know you’re gone.”

I’m kind of hoping that he does. I don’t care if Killian and I do fight. Heck, I’m almost looking forward to it.



As I ride in the limo to Belle’s salon, I’m fuming. I’m thoroughly pissed off at my wife. I woke up in a panic when she wasn't in bed next to me or anywhere in the house. One of the security guards that stayed behind informed me the others had taken her to work a few hours ago. Now, I'm risking being spotted in town while I chase her down. When I find her, I don't care that she's still technically healing—I'm going to turn her ass bright pink.

I barely wait for the limo to pull up to the curb before I storm into the salon. I push through the front door, letting my anger run free. “Belle!” I growl like an angry bear. I’m yelling her name, not even bothering to try and calm myself. The customers are all turning their heads and gasping. They are staring me like I’m crazy and I know I am. She’s made me that way. Jesus! Before Belle, I was calm and in control. Hell, most people referred to me as a cold son of a bitch. They wondered if I had any feelings at all. Belle has ruined me.

But God, I want her.

My heart finally starts to calm down when she walks out of the back room.

"Killian? What on earth are you doing?" she asks, looking at me like I've lost my mind.

"Tracking down my wife who decided to leave for work when she's still healing," I snap.

“You're acting crazy is what you’re doing,” she chides. “I'm fine now. There’s nothing wrong with me!”

"You shouldn’t tell me that.”


“If you truly are fine, then I’m going to bend you over that fancy counter you have and spank your ass for not telling me you were leaving the house," I purr, stepping towards her.

I can see her start to get angry because her customers are going crazy laughing and whispering to one another. Some are even telling her to test me. Others are still staring at me like I've lost my mind. She puts her hands on her hips, and I fight to keep my anger.

I’m fucking enjoying this.

"You're embarrassing me in front of my customers, Killian."

"If you think this is embarrassing, just wait until I strip you down and teach you not to leave the house without telling me."

“I’m not a prisoner!”

“No, but you know that I’m worried about you, Belle. You should have taken that into consideration.”

"You were sleeping, and since you can't tell me when you're leaving or for how long, I didn't feel it was necessary to tell you anything either," she responds, raising her voice.

"You tell him, girl!" a customer cries. I turn to snarl at her, effectively shutting her up.

“Is that what all this is about? You're pissed at me, so you decided to scare the hell out of me?”

"I'm not pissed off, Killian. I'm hurt. There's a difference."

"Why are you hurt?" I ask. Apparently, I’ve missed something.

"If you don't know, it's not important."

She lets out a shaking breath that’s hard for me to hear. She went from angry to defeated, and I don't like that I'm the reason.

"If it's bothering you, it's important." She begins walking toward me, and I meet her in the middle of the shop.

"I'm hurt because you've spent all your time home away from me and couldn't even tell me when you were leaving and when you'd be back."

“It won't be like this forever," I answer, trying to reassure her. “I’ll be home full time soon and—”

“And what happens then? Will you be in my bed every night? Or will you just be disappearing? I don't want a marriage where I'm going to be alone.”

"There's no way you're leaving this marriage. I won't allow it, Belle."

"Ryan is working on something. You won't even need me anymore. You'll be free and able to live your life like before."

"That's the problem. I love you, Belle. I don't want things to be like they were before. I want my wife. I promise to always make time for you, and I'll try and get better at telling you when I'm leaving."

"You said you didn't believe in love," she says quietly. I can see she’s skeptical of me and I guess I can’t blame her.

“I didn't believe in a lot of shit until I met this redheaded, green-eyed woman who stormed into my life and sunk down inside of me. She became a part of me and I’m never going to be free of her—”

"Killian—" She starts to talk, but I cut her off.

"I never want to be free of you, Belle. I love you. You're my life."

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024