No Quick Fix (Torus Intercession 1) - Page 42

“Between your heroics today and the way you look, you have all Lydia’s friends ready and willing, to go out with you,” he informed me with a grin. “I was told that you could start dating her maid of honor tomorrow.”

I scoffed. “I think I’m gonna be a little too busy helping Livi figure out how to tie her gi.”

He nodded, a faint smile curling his lips. “Yes. I suspect so.”

We stood there, staring at each other, and then he cleared his throat softly and turned to take Olivia to bed. I went to April’s room, took off her slippers and slid her in under the covers. Once she was tucked in, I was about to leave when she lifted her arms for me. I bent down, and she hugged me, then let me go and rolled over. I turned on her twinkle lights because she’d told me her mother had strung those for her right before she died, left the door open, and returned to the living room. Moments later, Emery walked back in as I was turning off the TV and the lights. When I reached where he was standing, under the square archway leading from the living room to the kitchen, I was going to ask him which lights stayed on at night, but the expression on his face, a bit sad, vulnerable, and gentle, made me still my movement.

After a moment, he sighed deeply, and I saw a faint tremor run through him even as he dropped his gaze to the floor. “It’s really nice having you here.”

“Your home is awesome. I’m happy to help for as long as you need me.”

He crossed his arms, then lifted his head, eyes flicking to mine. “I forgot how nice it is to not be parenting alone.”

I had no idea what to say.

“You’re so very good with children,” he said softly as he reached out and put a hand on my chest, staring into my eyes. “Did you know you would be?”

“I—no,” I answered honestly, hearing the approval in his voice and that ever-present kindness of his coupled now with deep and abiding affection.

“Well, you’re exceptional with anticipating what they need and in showing them that you’ll be both a confidant and a protector. I couldn’t have asked for better.”

There was a weight to it, to his words, a heaviness that told me he wasn’t being charitable but that he meant precisely what he was saying.

“You’ll make a wonderful father yourself someday,” he said, almost sadly.

“I never gave it much thought,” I replied, speaking low and quiet, not wanting to do anything to jar him because I didn’t want him to move. I wanted him to stay where he was, staring into my eyes even as my heart stalled with the closeness and his touch.

“Well, you’re a natural,” he assured me, letting his hand slip off me. “Sleep well; I’ll see you in the morning.”

I watched him leave and knew, without question, that sleep would be impossible. I would be far too busy wondering what having the man’s hands all over me would feel like.


I got up early to run, as I always tried to do, and was back, having done my cool down afterward, gulping water in the kitchen when first April woke up and then Olivia moments later.

“You didn’t wake me up,” Olivia accused me, hands on her hips. “You said we were gonna work out together and get me strong.”

“I figured Sunday was your sleep-in day? Is it not?”

She considered that, I could tell from the tip of her head and the narrowing of her eyes. “Yeah, okay, maybe it is.”

“Are you okay with me waking you up even earlier than the time you normally get up for school on weekdays?”

“It’s just gonna be you and me, right?”

I nodded. “Yep, just you and me, unless April wants to wake up too,” I ventured, turning to look at her sister. “You want in?”

“What are you guys doing?”

“Strength training,” Olivia answered. “Brann said he’ll make me strong.”

“And fast,” I amended, waggling my eyebrows for her.

April pursed her lips, eyeing me. “Will you be mad if I don’t?”

I made a face at her. “As if. No worries.”

She brightened instantly. “Okay then, I don’t wanna. Maybe when winter’s over, but not right now. I have enough trouble getting out of bed when I have to.”

“I hear you,” I said, smiling at her.

“It’s winter,” she said, sounding disgusted. “I hate being cold, and I really hate getting out of my warm bed. It makes me cranky.”

Olivia’s eyes got big. “She’s not kidding, Brann. She’s super mean. One time when Gramma was visiting, she said that April had her knickers in a knot.”

I looked at April. “I guess that’s bad.”

She nodded.

“Where do your grandparents live?”

“In Nashville, Tennessee,” she answered. “That’s where Daddy’s from too.”

Tags: Mary Calmes Torus Intercession Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024