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The Fix Is In (Torus Intercession 4)

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“This is very kind of you,” he assured me, and I shook my head and gestured him close so I could check to see if he still had a fever.

“It broke,” he said, leaning into my free hand. “I’ll be fine. Just have to push fluids and rest so we can lie on my bed together and watch a movie.”

“No,” I argued, “you’re going to rest. I’m going to figure out what the hell is happening with whoever is trying to hurt you.”

He eased back in his chair, the bemused expression on his face so very appealing. “When I get better, like, as soon as there’s no fever for a full twenty-four hours, I’d like to talk to you about something quite pressing.”

“Just tell me now,” I insisted, serving him eggs and bacon.

“I’m sorry, who do you think you’re feeding here?”

“Do the best you can,” I said, which sounded even lamer coming out of my mouth than it had in my head.

“I want the pancakes first,” he argued, and I understood what the second plate was for then. I liked all my food on the same plate; syrup on my eggs and bacon was fine. His food, however, did not get to touch. When he glanced around and started to get up, I stopped him.

“The pancakes are fried in butter. You don’t need any more.”

“You are insanely hot, one of the bossiest people I’ve ever met in my life, and apparently a mind reader. How did you—”

“The syrup’s there,” I grumbled, pointing with my fork.

His grin as he shook his head was cute. I was still having a hard time believing he was older than me. It didn’t feel like it. “God, Shaw, I could get used to you taking care of me, so you better stop or I’m going to fall really hard.”

I decided it was best to ignore that, so I deflected. “It’s breakfast for dinner since that’s all you had in your fridge to work with. And what the hell, did this place come furnished or something? None of this stuff looks anything like you. I don’t see you reflected here at all.”

He nodded slowly. “You have to understand, I ran out of Portland.”

“Explain that.”

“Well, see, after I met with Alice Perkins and the encounter changed my life, I felt––”

“Wait,” I commanded, stopping him. “I wanna hear about your pressing concern first.”

“It’s not a concern as much as a need, I suppose. As in, once I’m symptom-free, I need you to let me kiss you.”

My brain was going to explode. “We said that we’d––”

“I know what we said, but all I want is one kiss.”

I shook my head. “You’re messing with me and––”

“I will go absolutely stark-raving mad being under the same roof with you and not being allowed to kiss you. I will be of no help to you whatsoever.”

“Which is why I should stay at the hotel,” I assured him.

“And how will that work? You’re going to leave me here all alone?”

I had an idea. “No, I can’t do that, you’re right, but I have an idea.”

“Which is what?”

“I think this is a two-person job, so I’m going to call my boss and see who he can spare to come out here and give––”

“No,” he replied hoarsely. “No more people. Just you. You’ll stay here with me and protect me, and I’ll wait for my kiss.”

I squinted at him.

“Do you or do you not want to kiss me?”

Lying never accomplished anything. “I do.”

Instant, blinding smile. “I knew you did.”

“Yes, you’re very smart,” I said snidely.

He snorted a laugh. “I adore you.”

“You don’t even know me.”

“I do, though.”

He was ridiculous, but it didn’t matter. “You have no idea who I am, and I don’t know you. We’ve only known each other for a handful of hours.”

“I know, but I do. I know you, Shaw James.”

Continuing to argue about something this subjective was stupid. “Tell me why you ran out of Portland or you only get the one pancake.”

Instant glower. “Are you kidding?”

“Now,” I snapped at him. “Talk now.”

“First, I want to know why you’re so scared to kiss me.”

“I’m not scared.”

“Yes. You’re very clearly attracted to me, and I can say that with certainty because I’ve noticed everything about you since we met, and I’ve never in my life been looked at the way you look at me.”

“And how—” I cleared my throat. “—is that?”

“Like I belong to you.”

I shook my head.

“It’s fine,” he assured me. “You don’t have to agree. I’m not pushing. I just want you to know that whenever you’re ready, I’m here.”

“You do understand that as soon as I find who’s targeting you and what their agenda is, I’m outta here. Do you get that?”

“I do,” he apprised me, and then he caught his breath. “Oh my God, Shaw, these pancakes are amazing.”

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