Fix It Up (Torus Intercession 3) - Page 66

I was in so much trouble.

When I eased him back, gulping for air, he kissed my forehead, the bridge of my nose, and then inhaled deeply.

“We gotta––oh,” I gasped, as he clutched me tight, his hand sliding through steadily leaking precum. “Stop.”

“No,” he soothed me, muscling his way closer. “You need to listen, and I mean, really fuckin’ listen to me.”


“To you, this is all out of the blue, because I never told you that every time you left the house to go on a date it nearly killed me.”

I shook my head.

“Yes. You have no idea,” he apprised me, jerking faster. “And that night at Stig’s party when you were sitting there listening to that guy play music that I could play in my goddamn sleep, of course I took his fuckin’ guitar so you would look at me instead.”

“This is a mistake.”

“The hell it is. I want all your attention, all the time, every day,” he growled at me, working my dick harder, faster, the calluses on his fingertips from playing the guitar catching on my skin, the burn jolting and exquisite at the same time. “You’re not supposed to leave me. You’re never supposed to leave me.”

“Oh God,” I groaned, pushing his hands off me and shoving him back again so I could breathe and clear my head. “I didn’t see any of that, and I had no idea I fucked up this bad and…I need to call my boss.”

“You need to stop,” he whispered, “because I see you clearly.”

He exhaled, and I saw how blown his pupils were. “Nick, you––”

“There’s so much bluster in you, all this noise, all this brooding anger, and you’re so grouchy all the time, but I get it, because I’ve lived with you and have seen the cracks in the walls.”

I shook my head.

“Yes,” he said, twisting his fingers in my hair, tangling it tight to hold me still. “I see the love you need. I see that you need someone to tell you, ‘No, Locryn, you can’t go because you fuckin’ belong to me.’ I want that someone to be me.”

My eyes lifted to his.

“You’re so beautiful, and just thinking about someone else touching you is not good for me,” he rasped, his warm breath on my face, lifting as he drew me forward. “Locryn…baby.”

His lips sealed over mine, and I didn’t kiss him back until his tongue slid over the seam of my lips, pressing for entrance that I gave because, yes, I wanted to taste him again.

He took quick advantage, both hands fisted in my hair as he opened my mouth, sucked on my tongue, tangling it with his own, and took what he wanted, nothing tentative about him, only staking his claim, insistent and absolute.

He kissed me and stroked me, and I was lost. He was rough and tender at the same time, almost frantic to possess me, and the need in him, his desire, was intoxicating.

“Listen,” he almost whined, pulling back, panting as he stared into my eyes. “It’s not because you were the one who just happened to show up. It’s you, specifically, completely you.” His voice went out on him, and he took a breath, holding my gaze before he dropped to his knees. “You saved me, and you’re the only person on the planet who could have. You’re the only person I cared enough about to actually listen to.”

“You don’t—you’re just—fuck,” I groaned as he took my cock down the back of his throat in one long, seamless glide.

Most guys couldn’t swallow around my length; others didn’t know what to do with their hands or weren’t coordinated enough to suck and focus on something else at the same time.

Nick had none of these issues.

Lost in the feel of his mouth on me, I barely registered the rip of foil before he had me widen my stance as he sucked and laved, using his teeth and tongue. I was already a goner. Then he pressed a slippery finger to my entrance, and then inside.

I spurted precum as he took all of me again, effortlessly, inhaling deeply, breathing in my scent before he eased back, letting me almost slip from his mouth and then sucking me in again, hard and fast.

“Nick,” I managed to get out, trying to fuck his mouth even as I pressed back on his finger, the roughness of his skin combined with the lube giving me exactly what I wanted.

When he slid his finger out, there was the rip of foil a second time before two slick fingers were pushed inside my ass. I whimpered loudly, barely managing to form his name as my head fell back on the exterior wall of the house. The suction was so good, amazing, but the lure of the other, the slow in-and-out breach, the curve of his fingers inside me, the rubbing over all the delicious nerve endings, was what I longed for.

Tags: Mary Calmes Torus Intercession Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024