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Cherished (Steel Brothers Saga 17)

Page 61

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Dale’s lips move slightly, but nothing comes out, almost like he doesn’t know what to say.

Talon steps up then. “Can we see him?”

“I can let one of you in if you’d like,” Dr. Larson says, “but he won’t know you’re there.”

Dale shakes his head. “It’s okay. Let him rest.”

Dr. Larson nods as she hands Dale a card. “Here’s my information if you have any other questions.”

“How long will he be here?” Talon asks.

“At least four days, possibly longer. Then no driving or heavy lifting for two months. He’ll get all of that information in his discharge instructions. Will one of you be staying with him?”

Dale lifts his eyebrows. More like makes them nearly fly off his forehead.

“We’ll see that he has adequate care,” Talon says.

That seems to satisfy the doctor. She nods and then turns back toward the double doors, disappearing through them.

Suddenly I feel like a very visible third wheel here. The air is thick, and I’m almost suffocating. “Since you’re here now,” I say to Talon, “I think I’ll find my way back to the ranch. I don’t want to miss another day of work tomorrow.”

“Nonsense,” Talon says. “I’ll book all of us into the Carlton for as long as necessary.”

“Dad, I don’t think—”

“No argument,” Talon says to Dale. “This man is responsible for bringing you into the world. The least we can do is let him know he’s not alone.”

Now I feel really weird. “I came here to work,” I say.

“She’s right, Dad,” Dale agrees. “It’s harvest time. Not just for me but for you too. We can’t stay here.”

I don’t want to stay here.

Those are the words Dale really wants to say. I hear them floating on the velvety burgundy of his voice.

Talon stays quiet for a moment, his head cocked as if he’s in thought. Finally, “All right, Dale. Take Ashley home. See to the harvest. I know how much it means to you.”

“You’re not saying…” Dale begins.

“Yes. I’ll stay here with your father.”

“You’re my father, and the ranch needs you now.”

“We’ve got the best staff in the business,” Talon says. “The orchard will get along fine without me for a couple days.”


“Did I not just say no argument? Go. Both of you. Someone should be here when the man wakes up.”

“The nurse will be here,” Dale says without feeling.

Talon’s jawline tenses. “You’ve made your feelings clear. Go. I understand. But do not attempt to sway me. I will stay here so Floyd is not alone when he wakes up. The man is responsible for bringing two of the people I love most into this world.”

“Neither one of us owes him a damned thing,” Dale says.

“You do. You owe him your life. Literally. And I owe him for giving me you and your brother.”

Dale says nothing.

The words hang in the air, and though I haven’t seen colors in other voices since I met Dale and his voice had such an impact, a new shade cloaks me now.

Talon’s voice is dark blue—a calming dark blue, like the night sky. It’s the voice of authority, and also the voice of a father’s love. This man loves his child so much that he also loves the man who’s responsible for his existence.

A lump catches in my throat.

Does my mother feel that way about my father? The vehicle that caused her such pain and torment but that also brought me into her life?

I hate what he did to my mother, but other than that, I have no feeling at all for the man.

Before I can contemplate the thought further, Dale grabs my hand. “Let’s go.”

“I’ll call you if there’s any news,” Talon says.

Dale nods.

“Wait, wait.” My thoughts are muddled. Love fills me. Love for Dale. And this man, who just went through surgery… This man is responsible for Dale being in the world. Talon’s words have made me see everything differently.

I don’t know. Maybe I’m overemotional because of the situation. Because of my love for Dale. Because I told him about my childhood. My father. Everything’s on the surface now, and I don’t know how to deal with any of it.

Except I can’t leave.

I feel the same way Talon does. The man in the ICU brought the man I love into this world.

Anyone who loves Dale should be here.

“For God’s sake,” Dale says. “What is it?”

“I… I think I want to stay. I mean, I know I have an internship, and if you want to fire me, I get it. I probably deserve it. But this man… Like your dad said. He’s responsible for bringing you into the world, Dale, and you know how I feel about you.”

Dale pushes his hand through his mass of hair. “Are you both serious right now?”

“It’s all right, Ashley,” Talon says. “Go with Dale. He needs you more than Floyd right now.”

Dale messes with his hair once more. “For fuck’s sake…”

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