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Forever My Girl (Beaumont 1)

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“Good, thanks. I mean I know I’ve been here for three years, but I’m just not ready.” She bundles the bouquet she's working on and wraps it in purple and gold paper. I love that we allow the customers the option of different colored paper. Most florists only offer green or newsprint. I like to add character to my flowers.

“I brought you something that came in my email this morning,” Jenna says motioning to the counter. I pick up the piece of paper, reading the headline and looking at her.

“What’s this?”

“When I started here I signed up for these mailing lists about being a florist. I didn’t want you to think you could never take a day off, so I needed to learn. Anyway, it came today and I thought it might interest you.”

Learning over the counter I read about the convention. The opportunity to take classes, workshops and attend a trade show all in one convenient location it says. I’ve never attended one before, but with the expansion maybe it’s time I start expanding my knowledge base.

“I should do this.”

“Yes you should,” she replies. When I look at her, she’s grinning from ear to ear.


“It’s in Los Angeles and its next week.”

I look back at the paper, sure enough, it is. My heart pounds just a bit faster at the thought of seeing Liam. What if I saw him walking down the street? Would he hug me if he saw me or ignore me? I’m being silly. It’s a huge place. I’ll never run into him.

“You should go,” she says putting her hand on my arm. “You and Nick need a break. Maybe a few days apart will do you some good.”


She puts her hand up, stopping me. Her head shakes slightly. “Don’t, Josie. I’m not saying go there and cheat on Nick. I’m saying, go and work and if you meet the father of your son for dinner or coffee to discuss the upcoming holidays, then so be it. Just don’t deny yourself this opportunity.”

Jenna turns her back and finishes up her orders. I stand, my hip against the counter, reading the blurred words over and over again. All I can think about is seeing Liam, but I know that doing so would hurt Nick and I refuse to hurt him anymore than I already have.

I sit in the dark, still clutching the flyer. Jenna has long left, the shit-eating grin still plastered on her face when she shut and locked the door behind her. I wanted to ask her why she would give this to me, but could never get the words out.

My thumb hovers over Liam’s name. I’m not sure if I should call him. What if he says it’s not a good idea or tells me to come but he’s busy? Can I take the rejection?

I jump when a horn blares. My thumb inadvertently hits the call button, his and Noah’s faces light up my screen. It’s a picture I took when neither of them knew I was in the room. My hand shakes as I bring my phone to my ear. I listen through the rings and hope he doesn’t answer.

“Hello.” He doesn’t sound out of breath or rushed when he answers, just calm and very Liam.

“I didn’t mean to call,” I say barely audible.

“I’m happy you did. I like hearing your voice.”

“You shouldn’t say things like that to me.”

He laughs. “Well, if you expect me to lie or keep my emotions in check, it’s not going to happen. So what do I owe the pleasure of your call? I’m very happy to hear your voice.”

“God, are you this smooth with all your women?”

“There are no women, Josie. I promise you. So what’s up?”

“I’m thinking of coming to L.A. for a trade show and wanted to know if you wanted to get coffee?”

Liam is silent for a moment. I can hear him breathing so I know he didn’t hang up on me. “Are you bringing Noah?”

“No, this is next week and he has a Boy Scout camping trip. It would just be me. I mean if you’re busy and don’t have time, I understand. I know this is short notice and you probably have a bunch of parties and whatever to—”



“Shut up for a minute, geez. I want to see you, Jojo. I’ll make the time. Where will you be staying?”

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