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Forever My Girl (Beaumont 1)

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“This one day, I’m sitting in my room feeling sorry for myself and I get this call. She tells me her name is Betty Addison and I’m so confused until she tells me she’s my grandma.” I rub my thumb over the top of her finger. “She wanted to have lunch and talk so I did. I had nothing to lose and never had a chance to get to know her, so I met her. We spent a week together, having lunch, talking and getting to know each other. She told me things about my mom and why they don’t speak to each other. I learned a lot in that week.

“She asked me what I wanted to be if I wasn’t going to play football. ‘What’s your passion, Liam’ she ask

ed me. I told her music. I had been spending a lot of time on campus at open mic and I loved it.”

“I wish I had known that you loved music that much.”

“You had this dream and I didn’t want to change that for you. I was doing what was expected, but Betty – she invited me to Los Angeles so I went and loved it. I knew I had made the best decision for me even though it meant destroying us.

“Thing is, I never expected to see Noah in the bathroom that day, but it was like fate or some shit telling me that my life is in Beaumont. I went right to your shop and waited. I watched for you and once I saw you, I knew I was going to end up chasing my girl, waiting for you to turn around and see… the real me and love me for who I am and not what I did to you.

“I’m standing in front of you, Josie. You just have to turn around.”



I could easily fall into a routine with Liam. How soon is too soon though? Is there a rule book I need to follow?

Liam and I have never shared a home. We didn’t go off to college together and have the opportunity to sleep in each other’s dorms. Being here – it’s peaceful - sharing the same space that he’s in. Almost like the walls bask in his presence.

I haven’t left since Christmas. We didn’t discuss me staying. I just stayed. I guess that makes me a bit like Nick. For the first few nights he slept on the couch or in his studio until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I finally found the nerve to pull him upstairs with me and into bed. He held me all night, his hands never once wandering away from their placement on my hip.

We're apparently keeping things platonic even though I know he wants me and I want him.

I’m dreading the return to my house. School starts back up in a few days and while this has been a nice vacation, reality is pushing itself back into my life. I caught Liam and Harrison discussing a possible move to Beaumont. I know that would make me happy because that means Liam isn’t traveling back and forth all the time to work. And I think Harrison has a crush on Katelyn. There is no mistaking he has eyes for her and watching him with the twins during Christmas, as much as I hate to say it, I know Mason would approve.

Tonight, Liam has promised me a night filled with debauchery. He says we’ve missed far too many New Year’s Eves. When I asked him what the night will entail, he just smiled and walked away. I’d be lying if I said I it wasn’t driving me crazy not knowing his plans.

With Noah packed and in the car, the drive over to my parents' is nerve-wracking. They haven’t been too impressed with Liam’s return, not that I can blame them. Because of his involvement with Noah, my parents have been in the shadows. It’s not that I don’t want them around, but under the circumstances I thought it best to let Liam get to know Noah without my parents stringing him up on a burning stake.

I can’t blame my parents for their feelings. They were the ones who had to pick up the pieces and take care of their pregnant, teenage daughter. My mom was there, holding my hand, when I delivered Noah when it should’ve been Liam. My parents are bitter, I get that, but people can change.

This will be the first time seeing my parents since Thanksgiving. They just returned from a holiday cruise. I told them about Nick over an email. Not necessarily the way I wanted to tell my parents that my boyfriend of six years has left, but I also didn’t want them to find out through town gossip.

My dad is waiting for us on the porch when we pull into the driveway. Noah jumps out of the car before I have it turned off and runs into his arms. If Noah wasn’t nine I’d say he’s excited about seeing his grandparents, but I have a feeling it’s more about the second Christmas he’s about to have.

I carry an armload of presents into the house. I love the smell of my parents' home, the fresh baked bread, pies and cakes always coming out of my mother’s oven gives their house a welcoming and the all-over home feel.

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,” I say as I enter. My parents are already sitting on the couch listening to Noah rattle on about everything he received for Christmas and his new friend, Quinn.

Each time he mentions Liam’s name, my dad glares at me. I knew things would be a bit on edge, but honestly it’s my life and I made the best decision for me and my son. I should be respected and not made to believe I’ve done something wrong.

After we’ve caught up, presents are handed out. Noah is buried under the mountain of gifts my parents bought him.

“Can I start?” he asks. My dad laughs and tells him to start ripping. I don’t like Christmas this way, it’s too fast and you miss what’s being opened. I keep my stack of presents, all sweaters, skirts and scarves, the same as every year, on the floor and watch Noah.

“Oh, cool! A remote control car. My dad is going to love this.”

My dad grunts and stalks out of the room. I get up and follow him into the kitchen. His hands grip the edge of the counter as he mutters to himself.

“Dad,” I say touching his shoulder. He stands and looks at me with sadness in his eyes. “I know you’re upset about Liam, but you can’t let Noah see or hear you like that. He doesn’t know anything other than Liam being his dad. He’s trying really hard to build a relationship with Noah and we need to support it. I know you don’t like it, but I need you to put on a game face for your grandson.”

“He’s going to hurt you, Josephine.”

I shake my head. “He’s not, dad.”

“You don’t—”

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