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Santa's Secret

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“And that’s a wrap! Great job everyone.” The director’s joyful yell to end production puts a huge smile on my face. Back-to-back-to-back filming is not my idea of a good time, but it’s how my schedule worked out, and I couldn’t be happier to have a few months off before my next project starts.

“Wait up, Delaney.” I turn to find my co-star, Everett Bowman, jogging after me. Although, it's not really jogging, more like a fast strut that results in the extras on set ogling his backside. Secretly I think he loves every second of the attention he gets, while I couldn’t careless since I know about his off-set antics. I believe he’s had more girlfriends than I have underwear. “A few of us are heading to Chateau for drinks…” he cocks his head to the side as if I’m supposed to read between the lines.

“Can’t, but thanks for the offer.”

“Ah, c’mon, it’ll be fun.”

I smile and shake my head. “Trey and I are heading to Cancun for the holidays. I need to get home and pack.”

Everett steps closer and leans into me, kissing me lightly on my cheek. “Well, have a good time and a Merry Christmas. See ya when you get back.” He doesn’t wait for me to respond or even wish him Merry Christmas before he heads to the group of people waiting for him.

With a little more pep in my step than usual, I work quickly to gather my things from the dressing room, knowing my personal assistant will pack everything else and make sure it’s all delivered to me. There are a few things I don’t want to live without, though, like the black velvet dress I wore for one of my scenes. It fit me like a glove, and I begged production to let me have it. It isn’t uncommon for actors to take clothes from the set, although frowned upon.

Outside, the car service is waiting for me; although normally I have my bodyguard Calvin drive me everywhere. The production company was insistent they provide transportation allowing Calvin to have some much needed and well deserved time off while I’m working. I’ve had the same driver through the duration of filming and am sad this will be our last drive together and hope that we’ll work with each other again soon. I hand him a card as soon as I reach the door. “Merry Christmas, Bill.”

“Thank you, Miss Delaney. Merry Christmas to you.” He nods and smiles, waiting for me to get into the backseat. Once the door closes, it’s only a matter of seconds before we’re driving away from the set.

With the privacy window down, we chat about the holidays and what our plans are. Bill mentioned he’s looking forward to enjoying a few days off with his grandchildren. He says their laughter keeps him young. I can easily imagine my mother saying the same thing, although she’ll have to wait for my brother, Dominic, to have children because I don’t see them in my future, at least not in the next five years or so.

I ask him to drop me off at the park where the Christmas displays are set up. As much as I love living in Los Angeles, I miss the snow of Vermont. It’s during this time that I long for home and the smell of cinnamon, hot chocolate and the sound of blades cutting through freshly groomed ice.

When Trey suggested we go away for Christmas, I thought it would be a good time for him to come back home with me to meet my family, but he wasn’t keen on that idea. I get it; we’ve only been together for six months, and he’s right, it’s too soon, whether he’s said those words or not.

Still, I miss Ramona Falls, the town I grew up in, and how everyone is overly cheery during the holidays. Of course, with my father as the mayor, I don’t think they’re given much chance not to be. Every year, my father makes a huge production out of the tree lighting ceremony. My parents get invited to every party, and they rarely miss one. My dad also hires the best Santa there is to give presents to the children during the police officers’ party and makes sure there’s a team of reindeer on standby if Santa’s team can’t get the job done. When I was a teen, my dad made Ramona Falls magical.

A few of the storefronts along the park have their decorations up for the holidays. I stop and gaze into the windows, admiring each display before stepping into the park’s Winter Wonderland.

The decorations vary throughout each section of the park, everything from Santa’s workshop to Mrs. Claus’ bakery. Children run about, laughing and singing carols, while their parents chase them. I find myself standing under the snow machine, looking up as the artificial snow hits my face, only to melt instantly. It’s unseasonably warm right now, which makes it hard to get into the winter season.

My phone rings, disrupting me from enjoying the snowfall. “Hello, Mom.”

“Oh, Delaney, I’m not interrupting you, am I?” She asks the same thing every time I answer the phone. At first, it used to annoy me, but I secretly love that she’s concerned.

“Not at all, Mom. I finished early, and now I’m walking through the park, enjoying the decorations and, right now, am standing under the snow machine.”

“Are you wearing a hat?”

I laugh. “Nope.”

“Well, you’ll catch your death.”

“It’s eighty degrees out,” I tell her. “I think I’ll be okay.”

Mom sighs. “I wish you were coming home. It’s been too long.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just…”

“I know, Delaney. You’re in love.”

A smile spreads across my face. I am in love, or at least I think I am. Trey Baker has swept me off my feet with his boyish charm and handsome looks. His blonde hair and blue eyes caught my attention while we were filming a movie last year, but it wasn’t until this year when we crossed paths again on another set that the sparks flew. We’ve been inseparable since, well, as far as Hollywood couples can be. We’re both tied up with movies, but thankfully our shoots have been local, so we’re able to see each other at night or first thing

in the morning, depending on our schedules.

“I’ll be home soon. I promise.”

“Well, it may be sooner than you think because I think Dom is going to propose to Eileen. You know he’ll want his sister in the wedding.”

“Eek!” I stomp my feet lightly on the ground out of excitement. A few people turn and look at me with funny expressions on their faces, but I don’t care. “Are you serious?”

“Well, you know how the gossip mill is.”

“For which you’re the President. Mom, please tell me you’re not spreading rumors and pushing Dominic into proposing.”

“What?” Her voice is high-pitched, sounding as if she’s shocked. “I would never.”

I roll my eyes and turn my back on the lady across from me who has her phone pointed in my direction. I figured under the cloak of darkness I’d be able to wander around without calling much attention to myself, but I was wrong. I’m given no choice but to head toward the line of waiting taxis, ending my night early.

“Are you still there, Delaney?”

“I am, sorry. I’m just trying to dodge someone trying to take a picture.”

“See if you come home to Ramona, you wouldn’t have these problems. Instead, I’m going to see pictures of my scantily clad daughter basking under the Tuscan sun.”

“It’s Cancun, and you’re jealous.”

“I am. I admit it. Anyway, I'll expect a phone call while you’re gone.”

“I will. I’ll call you before I leave. Love you,” I say as I open the back door of the cab. I hang up and give the driver my address, watching as the park, and all its magic fades into the distance.

By the time the cab pulls into the parking lot of my condo, I’m exhausted and hungry. I completely forgot to get food while I was out. After paying the driver, I pull my phone out and scroll through the delivery apps, finally deciding on Chinese.

“Trey?” I call out as I open the door. I turn on the lights, the stark white of my home greeting me. It lacks color and life. I bought this place right before I started working on my third to last movie and haven’t had time to decorate it yet. Nor have I put up a tree or any other holiday decorations. Even the paintings I’ve ordered still sit wrapped in the packaging because I haven’t had time to hang them up. And neither has Trey. Not that this is his place, but he’s been spending time here the past few months.

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