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Craving (Steel Brothers Saga 1)

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My heart thundered. He was getting help. Thank God. But why had he fainted?

“The therapist, Dr. Carmichael, isn’t exactly sure what happened. He had already left her office and was in the waiting room when he fainted.”

“Is he okay?” Marj asked.

Jonah nodded. “Yeah, he’ll be fine. It was nothing serious, and luckily he didn’t hit his head very hard when he fell. No concussion or anything. We’ll be taking him home with us in a little while.”

My heart thundered again a mile a minute. Taking him home with us… I shouldn’t be here. I would only make things worse for Talon, and I couldn’t bear that.


She looked to me, her eyes sad. “Yeah?”

“I…think I’ll go ahead home now.”

“Just how do you think you’re going to get home? We all came together.”

What a moron. I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I just knew I had to get the hell out of there before Talon came out—

Too late. He walked toward us, two women flanking him. One was clearly a doctor by her white coat. The other was blond and dressed in black slacks and a red satin blouse.

The doctor held out her hand to Jonah. “Mr. Steel, I’m Dr. Morgan, your brother’s neurologist. And this is Dr. Melanie Carmichael.” Dr. Morgan gestured to the other woman.

Dr. Carmichael held out her hand. “Mr. Steel, nice to meet you. I’m so sorry about what happened at my office.”

“Oh, come on, Doc. It’s not your fault. I’m fine,” Talon said.

“Your brother is fine,” Dr. Morgan agreed. “We did some neurological testing. He hasn’t suffered a concussion or any other significant injuries. This was just a simple fainting spell.”

Talon’s cheeks blazed a rosy red when he

looked at me. I couldn’t help a small smile. He was embarrassed that I was seeing him like this.

“Jesus, Joe, you didn’t have to bring the cavalry.”

“Tal, the phone call we got said you were in the emergency room. That was all I knew. So of course Marj and Jade came along.” Jonah gestured to the doctors. “I’m sorry. This is my sister, Marjorie, and her friend Jade.”

We all shook hands while Talon stood, his hands in the pockets of his jeans, looking as handsome and yummy as ever except for the pure exhaustion weighing down his features.

Talon was tired.

Of course he was. He never slept. His beautiful eyes were always just a little bit sunken, and dark circles shadowed them. He was so damned good-looking I hadn’t noticed before, but they were there.

They always had been.

Dr. Morgan turned to Talon. “Mr. Steel, get some sleep.” She handed him a slip of paper. “I’ve written you a prescription for Ambien. It’s a common sleeping pill, and it’s not habit-forming. Use it. Life is a lot easier when you’re well rested.”

Talon took the prescription and shoved it in his pocket.

“Here’s my card also.” She handed it to him. “I want to see you again in a week.”

“That’s ridiculous. I don’t need to see a neurologist.”

“Have you fainted before, Mr. Steel?”

Talon shook his head. “Of course not.”

“All right. But if this happens again, I want to see you. In the meantime, I suggest you continue seeing Dr. Carmichael.”

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