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The Outlaw's Angel (Daughters of the Prairie 1)

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Her voice had deepened—only a touch, but he noticed. Truth be told, there were few things he wouldn’t notice about Naomi. Question was, did the voice change signal acceptance or disgust?

“That’s right.”

Her hands whipped to her hips, and she stared straight into his eyes, fire blazing in her own. “Well, tell me this then, Mr. Morgan. Has it occurred to you that there might now be a bounty on your head?”

Looking into Naomi’s glaring eyes, Bobby lost all rational thought. He seized her upper arms, pulled her to him, and crushed his mouth to hers.

Her full red lips were as sweet as he’d imagined. He nibbled across the upper and then the lower, tasting the remnants of the raspberries she’d eaten with her supper. Sweet, tangy, and oh, so perfect. He cherished each second of the kiss, knowing she’d break away at any time. Probably slap him across the face. It’d be no less than he deserved.

Instead, she wove her arms around his neck and whispered against his mouth, her voice a sensual caress.


His name. How sweet the sound from her innocent lips. He was a goner now. His cock woke in his britches, and he pulled her against his arousal.

“Open, angel,” he said against her rosebud mouth. “Open your lips and let me in.”

“I don’t know how—” She broke away and spoke into his chin. At the same time her fingers entwined in his hair. “Bobby. This isn’t...proper.”

“To hell with proper, darlin’. Kiss me back. Please. I’m aching for you.” He found her mouth again and drank from her raspberry lips. “Open. Please.”

A soft sigh escaped her throat as she parted her lips, just a touch, and he slipped his tongue between them. Every nerve in his body screamed for him to thrust into her mouth, to mimic what he wanted to do with another part of his body. But he held himself in check. Likely she’d never kissed a man before, and even if she had she was otherwise untouched. As much as he longed for her, he didn’t want to scare her away.

But when the tip of her sweet tongue touched his, he shattered. He pulled her closer, reached behind her with one hand, and began plucking out those dratted hairpins. With his other hand, he held her back at the waist and pulled her against the throbbing in his groin. Soon he was tunneling his fingers through the thick sable waves. They were softer than he’d imagined, like fine oriental silk. A throaty groan rumbled from her chest, and like the waters through a damn breaking, he rushed forward, thrusting into her satiny mouth with urgent yet tender kisses. His tongue tangled with hers, and when she moaned again he deepened the kiss and tasted every crevice of her soft, sweet mouth.

The kiss went on and on, and when she finally broke away, her breath came in rapid puffs against his cheek.

“Angel,” he whispered, “you’re so beautiful. So perfect.” He rained kisses across her cheek, her jawline, to the tender spot below her earlobe. Her lavender fragrance ensnared him, and he inhaled deeply. Still she panted against him, and he waited for her to stop him, almost wanted her to stop him, because if he didn’t stop soon he wasn’t sure he’d be able to.

“Bobby.” Desire thickened her voice.

His cock responded. How he longed to set it free from its constraints, to watch her wrap her ruby lips around it and pleasure him. Then he’d bury his face between her creamy thighs and return the favor before plunging his hardness into her virgin depths.

But he couldn’t do this.

She was too good for the likes of him. To soil her would be to bastardize perfection.

Once more, though. Just one more taste of those honeyed lips and then he’d stop. He nibbled at her neck, breathed in her lavender essence, and then trailed to her lips again.

“Naomi,” he said, and bent to touch his mouth to hers.

She gasped, but before he could thrust his tongue into her, she broke away from him, turned, and ran toward the creek.

Who’d he been trying to kid?

If he’d tasted her again, he wouldn’t have been able to stop.

Chapter Four

Naomi knelt in the soft mud and splashed her face with the crisp, clear water. She was burning inside, on fire, and she needed something, anything, to cool her off. Her heart pounded against her sternum, her skin rippled with heated chills, and the flutter between her legs had become unbearable in its intensity.

How had she let this happen? She knew better. She’d been raised better. What would Ma and Pa think of her brazen actions? She’d already succumbed to gluttony. And now lust?

More water. She splashed herself again and took a long drink. The liquid soothed her, but heat still flashed through her body. Every sense inside her screamed to run back into Bobby’s arms. The sweet pressure of his hard body against hers. The spicy male aroma of his neck. The sleek texture of his beautiful brown hair. The rough stubble of his cheek against hers as he nibbled at her lips, her neck, her earlobe. The softness of his lips. She’d never imagined a man’s lips could be so soft.

And his tongue. Smooth and delicious inside her mouth. Such an amazing sensation. More. She wanted more. So much more. His moist tongue trailing wetness across her neck, her shoulders, over the buds of her nipples which were tight and painful against her bodice.

Naomi forced the images from her mind. What she desired would be sinful with a fine upstanding man.

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