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Trusting Sydney (The Temptation Saga 6)

Page 17

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“I see.”

“I’m sorry, Rod.”


She nodded again. “Yes. I never meant to hurt you.”

“Hurt me? You think a little slut like you could hurt me?”

She shuddered. His words shouldn’t hurt, but they did. They rang with truth. “I’m afraid I can’t marry you.” She turned away from his gaze.

“Why not?”

Sydney’s neck whipped around. Had she heard right? “Excuse me?”

“I said, why not? You don’t think I’ve been faithful to you all this time, do you? A man has needs. You said you wanted to wait until we were married. Although obviously you got over that last night.”

“You mean you—”

“Of course. Don’t be naïve. As far as I’m concerned, the engagement can proceed as planned. I never planned on being faithful to you.”

She stood, her body numb. “Are you kidding me? This is the kind of marriage you wanted?”

“This is marriage, dear. My own parents have been married nearly forty years, and they’ve both had strings of lovers. My father likes twenty-something blond girls. Ironically, so does my mother.”

The reality of the rich—way more information than she wanted. “Rod, I’m really glad I haven’t hurt you.”

“You don’t have the power to hurt me.”

“Be that as it may, I’m glad I didn’t. But this engagement is over.”

“No, it’s not.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid it is.”

He stalked toward her. “The announcements have already been made in all my circles. It is not over.”

“But I don’t love you.”

“I don’t love you either.”

“Then what’s the big deal?”

“You are the kind of wife I need. Beautiful to the eye. From a modest background, so you’re attracted to money. You’re tall and athletic. You’ll bear me strong heirs. You’ll be a good hostess.”

Anger boiled under her skin. “I’m more than just arm candy, damn it.”

“Darling, you are the ultimate arm candy, but I’m afraid that’s all you are.”

Why did his words cut her? She didn’t care, but it still hurt to be spoken of in that manner. “Why does it matter? If that’s all I am, I’m easily replaced.”

“I’ll lose face. And I don’t take kindly to that. My parents have gone to a lot of expense and trouble for our impending marriage. Besides, you have value you can’t even fathom.”

What the hell does that mean? “Your parents are richer than God. They won’t care. And I don’t care what kind of value you think I have. I’m not marrying you. You can’t make me.”

Rod shook his head. “Fine. Have it your way.”

“Why did you come here?”

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