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Her Best Match (The Best Girls 1)

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“Maybe I am jealous of these boys. Are they handsome? Maybe I don’t want you to watch these boys climbing. You may forget about me.” He winked at her.

“They might be good looking, but they’re way too young for me.”

“I do not like that I cannot keep an eye on my competition.”

“Believe me, those boys are no competition for you.”

“And what about Steven Gherring?”

“What about him?”

“Is he my competition? You are with him every day, and I know he does not like me.”

“Mr. Gherring’s my boss. He isn’t interested in me. He’s seen how goofy I can be. You know, Henri, when you get to know me better, you might not be so interested either.” Why did she say that? She sounded so needy, begging for compliments.

“I know enough. When you come to Paris you will see. You need someone who knows how precious you are. I will show you—I am that man.”

Anne felt a little thrill. It was nice to have someone put you on a pedestal, even if you knew you didn’t belong there. But was she being foolish, investing in an impossible relationship? It was almost as impossible as a relationship with Steven Gherring, but for different reasons.

“Henri, what happens after Paris? I can’t date you over the computer screen.”

“Non, I agree. You are nice to look at, but the kissing is not so good on FaceTime. But everything will be good. It is not to worry.”

“I can’t help it, I’m a worrier. What if it doesn’t work, and you regret spending all that money to bring me to Paris—”

“The money is nothing to me.” He sighed. “I have something to tell you. I was waiting, but…”

“What? Is it bad? What is it?”

“It is good. I think… I hope it is good. After you come to Paris, one week after, I am coming to New York. Is that good?”

“Really? For how long?”

“I am coming just for the weekend, but I am used to traveling. I come to New York often already. I can come more often. And you can come back to Paris and bring your daughters.” He paused. “That is good? Right?” His green eyes peered earnestly from the computer screen, waiting for her reply.

“That’d be great. It’s the weekend of the Gherring Inc. Christmas party for all the employees. We could go together.”

“There is the beautiful smile I love to see, mon ange. Now, tell me everything you are going to do in New York…”

As Anne carried her things back to the conference room, she realized Steven Gherring was going to the benefit with Sharon Landry that night. She decided to take advantage of the opportunity to help him see her good qualities. He seemed to mostly ignore Margo Milan at the big gala. Her plan would never work if he didn’t pay any attention to Sharon.

Standing outside the conference room door, she prepared a speech for Gherring, trying to ignore the little voice in her head that suggested she didn’t want him to like Sharon. “La, la, la, la. I’m not listening to you.”

“Who aren’t you listening to?”

She jumped at Gherring’s voice behind her, letting out a squeak. “How do you always manage to sneak up on me?”

“Perhaps because you’re oblivious to your surroundings.” Gherring opened the conference room door and led the way inside. “I’m convinced it isn’t safe for you to walk the streets of New York alone.”

“I do tend to be a bit oblivious.” Admitting her absent-minded personality helped her remember how unsuitable she would be for Gherring. Precisely why he needed a sophisticated woman like Sharon. “It’s because I have too many things swirling in my mind. Like the fact that you’re going to that benefit dinner tonight.”

“I guess so. I’d forgotten, but it’s on my calendar.”

Anne deposited her things on their work table and turned to face Gherring. “And you’re going with Sharon Landry, right?”


“Sharon Landry—you’re escorting her to the benefit. Remember? I put her file on your desk.”

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