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Her Best Match (The Best Girls 1)

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Charlie leaned in the car and took a picture of Anne and Gherring inside together.

“Ready?” asked Gherring. Before Anne could answer, he stepped on the gas and sped out of the driveway. Anne couldn’t help a little squeak that came out of her mouth as she felt her back pressed into the seat. Gherring drove a short distance to a turn-off on a deserted road that wound around through the hills. As he steered the car skillfully through the twists and turns, Anne found herself with a broad smile plastered on her face. And she couldn’t stop smiling. Watching him control the powerful car, she thought of how strong he was. He handled driving as he did everything else in his life—with expert efficiency and absolute control. It made his masculine appeal even stronger.

Just for a moment she allowed herself to imagine what it would feel like to kiss Steven Gherring. Would he be soft and gentle, sweet and romantic? Or would he be strong and powerful, taking what belonged to him? Or maybe he would be subtle and teasing, drawing out her fervor until she surrendered her lips to be plundered?

“You look like you’re really enjoying this,” Gherring commented. Anne felt the blood rising in her cheeks and thanked God the light was dim. He’d caught her enjoying a bit more than a ride in a fast, powerful, sports car.

“It’s… It’s indescribable.”

“Did you want to drive?”

“No, I like watching you. I mean, I just like watching you drive. I don’t need to drive.” She blushed even deeper. Thank goodness he couldn’t tell. “So does this thing really do one-eight-five, like the song says?”

He smiled. “I’ve had her up to one-eighty, and I think she’d do two hundred on a straight course.”

“She?” Anne asked. “What’s her name?”


“Really? Why Gayle?”

“That was the name of my first true love—in fourth grade.” He laughed. “Even now, in my memories, she’s beautiful beyond imagination.”

Anne grew quiet again. “I can’t thank you enough. You’ve been amazingly generous this weekend.”

“You’re welcome. It was my pleasure.” His eyes cut her direction. “I wanted this to be a special time for all three of you.”

“It was, thanks mostly to you. You didn’t go out and buy a Maserati just so Charlie could ride in one, did you?”

He laughed. “No, that one was a lucky coincidence.”

“Still, it was very nice, and the girls really like you.”

“And do they, like their mother, freely bestow love and affection on everyone they meet?”

“What? I don’t—”

“Really? You’re going to deny this?”

“I don’t bestow on everyone, just most everyone.”

“Name one person you’ve met in New York you haven’t loved.”

Anne thought for a moment. “Jeff Murphy!” She lifted her chin high.

Gherring chuckled. “Okay, but you were even nice to him at first. The original question was about your girls, though.”

“Okay, the girls… Charlie bestows love pretty freely. But if you make her mad—watch out—she’ll never forget. Emily is very careful and not very trusting.”

Gherring nodded as if he was not surprised. “They’re lovely girls. I’d be very proud if they were my daughters.”

He drove the sports car back into the garage. Gram and the girls had returned into the house, out of the chill air.

“This was really nice,” he said. His voice was husky as he leaned toward her. “I really enjoy making you smile.” His blue eyes were hooded as he reached his left hand out to brush against her cheek. Anne closed her eyes and held her breath while her insides quaked. Then his fingers slid gently down her neck, leaving a sizzling trail in their wake.

He’s going to kiss me!

Her breaths came faster and faster, anticipating the touch of his lips on hers. Never mind that it shouldn’t happen. She didn’t have the willpower to stop him.

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