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Her Best Match (The Best Girls 1)

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Steven turned around and took a few steps inside. “Good news, Ellen. I’m open for lunch tomorrow.”

Anne’s eyes followed Steven's. They stopped when they fell on Ellen, sitting on Steven's soft leather sofa with a glass of red wine in her hand. Her expression, as she returned Anne’s gaze, was incredibly awkward.

Anne’s eyes took in the atmosphere. Ellen’s bare feet, her sexy dress, the wine, Steven’s open shirt, and soft music on the stereo. With something the size of a boulder wedged in her throat, Anne turned around slowly and walked away. Steven's voice called after her, but she kept going. Eyes watering, she bypassed the elevator and took the stairs, the sound of each step echoing in the stairwell like the emptiness of her heart.

Steven and Ellen are together, just like I planned. Why am I not excited?

In a daze, she got ready for bed, but lay awake, the scene with Ellen and Steven playing over and over in her mind.

When did I start thinking of him as Steven, instead of Mr. Gherring?

She knew in her head that Ellen would be able to make him happy in ways that she couldn’t, like the possibility they could have children together. And Anne had been responsible for introducing them, in the first place. So she needed to get her head straight and stop feeling sorry for herself, wishing for something that could never be.

It’s the best possible outcome for both of them. I’m going to be happy about it. I have to be.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

The next morning Anne’s bed covers looked like they’d been in a tug of war battle and lost. When she woke up at five a.m., she knew sleep was a lost cause. She made a cup of hot tea, poured it into an insulated mug, and headed to work without attempting to put food into her churning stomach.

Arriving at the office, she was so early the night guard had to let her inside. She sat down and started into her backlog of work, gaining some level of satisfaction from her productive activity.

She tried hard not to imagine what must have happened after she left Steven and Ellen alone in his apartment—that really wasn’t her business.

But it confirmed what she’d been thinking—Steven expected the women he dated to meet his physical needs, and that wasn’t something Anne was willing to do outside of marriage. Yet another confirmation that she could never be the right match for him.

Afraid of any interaction with Steven, Anne called Katie over the minute she stepped off the elevator.

“Sit down. I need some advice.” Anne pulled up a chair for her and started asking her every question she could conjure.

Her ploy worked, for when Steven arrived, she was still deep in conversation with Katie. He stopped at her desk, as if waiting for an opening to speak.

“Yes sir? Did you need something?” she asked without quite making eye contact.

“I wanted to thank you for your help.” He opened his attaché case and pulled out her computer. “You left before I could return this.”

“I was happy to help you.” Anne hoped she’d succeeded in sounding normal. She certainly couldn’t let him suspect she’d felt jealous after seeing him with Ellen. She had to act as if nothing were wrong.

“Gary said he needs to talk to you about the manager for the second property.” Katie told Steven, as she pushed her chair back and stood up.

“You’re not leaving, are you?” Pulse racing, Anne grabbed Katie’s arm.

“I’ve got a lot to do before noon.” Katie stood up. “Besides, you’ve got this stuff down pat.”

With growing dread, she watched Katie walk away, unaware that she was leaving Anne in a perilous situation. At least she and Steven were out in the common area and not alone in his office.

He cleared his throat, but she kept her eyes glued to her computer. “Did you need something else, Mr. Gherring? I’ve got a lot on my plate today.”

“I wanted to be sure you’re okay. You left in a hurry last night. Like you might’ve been upset.”

“I’m fine.” She gave him a toothy smile, hoping he didn’t notice her lips trembling. “Why would I be upset?”

“You weren’t upset about seeing me with Ellen?”

“Now that would be pretty ridiculous, wouldn’t it? After all, I’m the one who set the two of you up.”

“Then why did you run off last night?”

“Because… I…” Come on, brain. Make up a good excuse. “Because I didn’t want to intrude on your date. Seemed like the two of you were getting pretty cozy.”

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