The Unexpected Marriage of Gabriel Stone (Lords of Disgrace 4) - Page 35

‘I am exceedingly grateful, my lord.’ She dimpled prettily at him across the table, looking so much like some air-headed miss, and so unlike the young woman he had come to know, that he almost choked on his ale.

‘I have an idea,’ Tess said suddenly. ‘We’ll go down and talk to Mrs Sanders, our housekeeper. She’ll soon transform you into a convincing candidate.’

‘She transforms me into a nervous jelly,’ Alex admitted. ‘Fearsome woman.’

‘And Tamsyn and I will write you references, and I’ll get in touch with Kate in Northumberland and ask her for one as well, and then you’ll be ready to approach the domestic agencies. Unless we can come up with someone who needs a housekeeper before then.’

Needs a housekeeper... Really, his brain must have been atrophied by the country air. Why on earth had he not thought of it before? ‘There is no need for references, although the training might be a good thing.’ Gabriel put down his knife and fork and swept a glance around the table. ‘May I present to you the new housekeeper of Springbourne?’

‘Oh, how clever of you, Gabriel!’ Caroline beamed at him across the table, all dignity forgotten, and he caught the swift exchange of glances between the other women at her use of his name. ‘Why didn’t I think of that? I’ll be safe there until Anthony comes of age in five years’ time. Father thinks it is yours, so he will have no reason to go anywhere near it. Then, when Anthony can legally control it, I can continue living with him.’

‘Are there staff there now?’ Tess asked.

‘Just a few, I think, more for security than anything else,’ she said, suddenly serious. ‘They certainly do not know me by sight.’

‘I sent my man of business down to report,’ Gabriel said. ‘He found a tenant at the Home Farm who had only been there a year and who seemed competent enough. The house is virtually shut up, as Caroline says, with an elderly housekeeper and a trio of indoor servants. He suggested I pension off the housekeeper, who is anxious to go and live with her sister in Worthing, and keep the other staff. I haven’t had time to reply to him yet.’

‘It is the perfect solution.’ Caroline was glowing at him again, which was good for his self-esteem, but fatal for his detachment. Gabriel thought about scratchy beards, porridge and Edgar Parfit and shifted in his seat when all of those failed to stop most of his blood supply heading southwards. It was lust, simply lust, that he felt and the sooner she was away, the better.

‘I will be working for my brother, so I can draw a wage and living expenses from the estate with a good conscience and I will make certain it is in perfect order for him when he can finally claim it.’

‘What will you tell him?’ Tamsyn asked. ‘Does he know your father has lost the estate?’

‘No. I thought it best not to say anything unless Father told Anthony, in case he reacted in a way that betrayed the secret. But I am sure my father has simply put it out of his mind. Water under the bridge.’ She bit her lip. ‘Anthony will be wondering why I haven’t written, I always do every week while he is at school. Normally he’d be home now, but he is staying with a friend in Buckinghamshire. I miss him.’ She smiled bleakly. ‘I wonder when I will see him again.’

‘We will discuss the details now if you have finished your luncheon.’ Gabriel stood. ‘I’ll find my notes. There is no need to trouble the rest of you. We can use your breakfast room, I suppose, Tess?’ There was a limit to how long he was prepared to stay the focus of his friends’ fascinated scrutiny, or to endure Caroline looking at him in public as though he was her hero again. The sooner they had this sorted out and she was in safe seclusion in the country, the better.

‘I’ll come now, if you will excuse me?’ She stood up, smiling at the others, and he wondered just how well that smile would stay fixed if she knew the lascivious thoughts that would not get themselves out of his head, the urge to seize her and snarl Mine! at every man who looked at her.

He picked up his portfolio from the luggage in the hall and led the way to the little breakfast room. Caroline sat on the sofa, folded her hands neatly in her lap and appeared ready to give him her full attention, much as if he was addressing a public meeting.

Nettled, Gabriel sat at his ease in the chair opposite her, fished out the correspondence from his agent and ran a finger down it. ‘I’ll get him to pension off the old housekeeper and tell the staff I will send them a new one.

‘Now, money. Wilkins is already managing the staff salaries. I’ll have him add you to the list, but pay you a year in advance, and I’ll authorise you to draw on an account for everything you need for the household and for yourself.’

‘Will he not be surprised at the payment in advance?’ She yawned, hastily hiding it behind her hand.

‘He’ll assume you are one of my light-skirts that I am paying off,’ Gabriel said with deliberate crudity as he studied the papers again. He had no idea what was motivating him, which was worrying in itself. Perhaps he wanted to prove to himself that he was the same old rakehell he had always, so comfortably, been. Or perhaps he simply wanted to provoke some reaction, even if it was only a delightful blush.

There was no response. He looked up, anticipating one of Caroline’s frosty stares, which were stimulating in their own way, and found that she was asleep, slumped sideways on to the sofa cushions. The piled curls were already surrendering to the forces of gravity, the pins sliding free from the glossy, newly washed hair, and her mouth was very slightly open, the parted pink lips wreaking havoc with his pulse rate. When he got silently to his feet and bent over her he saw the dark curl of lashes on her cheek, the soft vulnerability of her skin, the shadows of worry and exhaustion beneath her eyes.

Gabriel thought about lifting her feet on to the sofa, of loosening her bodice, her stays, so she could be more comfortable... No. But he leaned down, touched her cheek with the back of his fingers, watched as she smiled in her sleep at his touch and felt something turn over in his chest. Innocence and trust were enough to touch even the most cynical of hearts, it seemed.

He went out into the hall, closing the door softly behind him and met Tess. ‘Caroline is asleep.’

‘I am not surprised, she must be exhausted. I don’t suppose it occurred to you to allow for a little feminine weakness in planning your adventure?’

‘If I had, she’d be back in her father’s hands by now. Or I’d have shot him. She’s tougher than she looks, is Caroline Holm.’

Tess shook her head at him. ‘Idiot man. She is brave and stoical and she will obviously do anything for her little brother.’ Her penetrating stare had him wanting to shift uncomfortably. He resisted the weakness and smiled back, his lazy wolf smile. Tess’s glare hardened. ‘She is not strong, Gabriel, simply courageous. Do not try her too hard. I was brought up in a nunnery, in cold rooms, on plain food and hard work. Tamsyn has been acting as an estate manager for years,

out in all weathers on that harsh Devon coast. But Caroline is like Kate, a lady—and raised as one.’ She moved as though to leave him, then added, ‘And don’t you dare ruin her.’

‘You believe I haven’t already?’ The way she was sniping at him, he would not be surprised if she had not guessed at the temptation that racked him.

‘Do you honestly think I would have you in this house if I suspected you would do that? Friend of Alex’s or not, your sorry carcase wouldn’t cross the threshold, believe me.’

The dangerous silence that followed that remark hung between them for a full half-minute, then Tess laughed. ‘It is such fun to tease you.’

Tags: Louise Allen Lords of Disgrace Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025