Vicar's Daughter to Viscount's Lady (Transformation of the Shelley Sisters 2) - Page 26

My lady. Goodness. I’m my lady now. ‘Good morning, everyone.’ There was a flurry of bobbed curtsies.

‘His lordship goes out to the estate every morning at six, my lady. He sends down for a cup of coffee, then he’s out until eight. Not like his late lordship—he would take his breakfast in bed at about ten.’ Her pursed lips looked incongruous in her cheerful face.

‘And what does his lordship take for breakfast?’ Arabella was determined to be a perfect, attentive wife in every possible way. She might be a disappointment to Elliott in bed, but everything else would be faultless.

She had slept last night, worn out by emotion, she supposed. But she had dreamed of Rafe again. At least, she thought it was Rafe, and she had wanted to run away, but every now and again the man in her dream had turned with a sharp, alert grace that was different from Rafe’s languid elegance. His face had been blurred, as though she could not quite recall the difference between the two brothers. And her body had ached and tingled with the disturbing aftermath of Elliott’s possession of her body.

Rafe had been right: she was hopeless in bed. Elliott had been kind, but he had been disappointed in her. He thought her plain, no doubt, and soon she would be very obviously pregnant, and none of that helped the fact that she had no idea how to respond to him, how to arouse him. How to satisfy him. Her husband had done nothing to deserve such a…useless wife.

Elliott had been gone when she woke and the hollow in the bed was cool when she touched it. No morning kisses, no attempt to make love again. Would his patience snap and would she hear the same jibes, the same reproaches from him as she had from Rafe? Useless, wooden, plain, frigid… It was agony to imagine that she would hear words like that from him, see in his eyes that he despised her for being a failure as a woman.

As she had dressed, trying to get used to the hovering presence of Gwen, her new maid, sent up from the Dower House with Lady Abbotsford’s compliments, Bella had resolved that at least she could be the perfect mistress of the house. She would not fail at that, and she would not mope; Elliott would not want a miserable wife.

It was easier decided upon than carried out. Arabella made herself focus. The preparations in the kitchen seemed somewhat meagre for a gentleman’s breakfast, she thought.

‘Toast and coffee, my lady. I did ask when he first came here, but he said that was all he’d take.’ Cook folded her reddened hands on her apron front. ‘I can’t pretend I was not disappointed, my lady. I like to put on a good spread

, and one thing I will say about his late lordship, he knew how to entertain.’ Again that enigmatic tightening of the lips.

Bella was not going to think about Rafe. The practicalities of feeding her husband were much more important. ‘And where does he eat his toast?’ If Elliott retreated into his study it was going to be a problem.

‘In the breakfast room, my lady.’ Cook seemed not to find it odd that she did not know her new husband’s tastes, or that he had gone out early as usual the morning after the wedding. Arabella suspected that Mrs Tarrant was a perfectly capable cook if she was given firm orders, but she lacked initiative or curiosity.

‘Very well. Today please serve toast and coffee as usual. I will take tea. But I think we should have something more as well, just in case his lordship has an appetite. Shall we have a look in the larder?’

‘Heel!’ The pair of pointers stopped dead in the middle of the hall and looked back guiltily. Toby, the terrier, who always treated orders as suggestions to be considered and then disregarded, trotted on and sat in front of the breakfast-room door, head on one side, stubby tail rasping on the flags.

Elliott dropped his hat, whip and gloves on the hall chest and sniffed. Bacon? ‘Henlow!’

‘My lord?’

‘I can smell bacon.’

‘Yes, my lord. Her ladyship is in the breakfast parlour.’

Avoiding Arabella was out of the question, it would be discourteous. But bacon? Surely not the choice of a woman suffering from morning sickness who might be expected to take a light breakfast in bed.

Elliott pushed open the door and went in, the dogs at his heels. Arabella was standing by the sideboard, the silver dome of a serving platter in her hand. A heap of bacon, crisp and tempting, was piled on one side opposite a small mountain of scrambled eggs.

‘Good morning, Elliott.’

‘Good morning.’ A footman appeared through the serving door, placed his coffee pot on the table next to a tea pot. The dogs, impatient, pushed past Elliott’s legs and went to lay on the hearth rug as usual.

‘Dogs, out!’

‘Do they usually come to breakfast? I do not mind them.’ She was smiling and immaculate in a creammuslin morning gown, her hair twisted up into a simple knot. ‘Those two are very handsome.’ She clicked her fingers at the pointers and they turned their long intelligent heads towards her.

This was the woman he had left tear-stained in her nest of pink satin frills and now here she was, cool and outwardly composed. Elliott fought back a strong sense of unreality. He had expected shyness and reserve. Yes, the reserve was there behind the smile. ‘If you are sure? Lie down.’ The pair obeyed, still watching Arabella. The woman with the bacon, Elliott thought. Cupboard love. ‘I did not expect to see you for breakfast.’

‘No?’ She put down the cover and picked up a plate. ‘Some bacon and eggs? There is sausage as well.’

And preserves and fruit on the table, and a double rack of toast and a platter of butter. ‘I do not normally eat much for breakfast, I do not have the time.’ Toast was easy to eat with all his attention on the papers and his post. They lay neatly folded and stacked beside his place, as always, but next to them was a small vase with a posy of flowers. Flowers?

‘Will you not join me, just this once?’ She was already filling a plate, carrying it across.

‘You do not have to wait on me,’ he said as she placed the plate on the table before him. He sat. To do anything else would be impolite. Just this once, though.

‘But you must not waste time.’ Arabella’s voice was earnest as she went back to the sideboard and filled her own plate. She came and sat at right angles to him, as he had placed her at dinner the night she had come to the house, and reached to pour his coffee. ‘Do you take cream? Sugar?’

Tags: Louise Allen Transformation of the Shelley Sisters Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024