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Wicked As He Comes (Tiger in Her Bed)

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John didn’t immediately go home after meeting with Markus; instead, he went to Central Park and ran all night in his beastly form. There were paths and trails that even homeless people and the cops didn’t traverse after dark. After months of making fun of his brothers for being afflicted with mating fever, he now knew just how much of a nuisance it was.

The male weretigers in the Alexander family had one weakness: when they met their potential mate, they had difficulty controlling the urge to shift until they could properly mark and claim them.

And as a weretiger, John couldn’t bind his mate without her consent.

And poor little Jane, he thought in amusement, she really had no idea what she was getting in to.

He came home in the early morning. He didn’t want to disturb his new wife and decided to crash on the sofa. He stirred a few hours later when he sensed a presence in the living room. He saw George sitting at the end of the couch, peering at him curiously.

“Hey there, champ,” John said in a low tone, “what are you doing up so early?”

“I always get up early to write,” he said. “If I’m up early enough, Harry isn’t around to make fun of me.”

John gave a smile. “It must be exhausting being so mature for your age.”

George tilted his head to the side, and for just a split second, John thought he saw appreciation in those eyes of his. But instead, there was a pause before George continued. “Well, someone has to be, especially when you have a brother like Harry. Anyway, I know who you are,” he said in a matter-of-fact way, and John blinked.

“Really? I will say you’re a little young to be paying attention to music producers.”

“You know very well what I mean,” George said, a little more seriousness in his tone, even as he kept it low as he leaned forward. “Let’s say… your furry secret.”

John had been slowly making his way towards the kitchen, but he paused now, raising an eyebrow at George. “Do you, now?”

George nodded.


“A gift, I guess. I can see the glamour behind the Others. You’d be surprised that one-tenth of people roaming around New York City aren’t entirely humans. Werewolves. Faes. Dragons. Elven folks. You name it.”

He watched George with a new appreciation. “Impressive. So why tell me?”

“I just want you to know,” said George. “I haven’t told anyone but my sister. Harry doesn’t know. My brother couldn’t keep his mouth shut if his life depended on it…” he hesitated a moment. “I know your secret so if you do anything to hurt my sister…” He let the sentence hang.

Why you little blackmailer. . . Although, I must admit I’m impressed. John smiled, relaxing a little, stepping forward and putting a hand on the counter. “There are a lot of things you have to worry about, champ, but that’s not one of them. That much I can swear.” The two of them locked eyes for a long while, but eventually, George gave a reluctant nod.

“So where are you going so early anyway?”

“In fact,” John said, “I’m stepping out to make a call; I’m setting up a dinner tomorrow night with this Uncle Alfred of yours.”

George’s eyes widened. “Why?”

“I don’t want your sister to fight this alone. She has me now. This is a job for the man of the house.”

George opened his mouth to speak but hesitated before finally saying, “Word of advice, my uncle is a two-headed snake. You have to be cautious around him.”

John arched his eyebrows, amused. “How do you know that?”

“The fact that I’m not an idiot?”

“No, you definitely are not. Let me tell you something, Jane is my mate. I’ll do anything in my power to protect her and you and Harry. You are all my family now and it is my job to protect my family and keep you all safe.”

The boy looked somewhat mollified by his words.

He gave George a quick nod before disappearing out the door, cell phone in hand.

* * *

The moment John killed his car engine, his new wife fidgeted in her seat. The parking valet in his dark livery hurried to his side, ready to take the vehicle. They were about to dine at the Four Seasons. He had invited Alfred Benedict to dinner. His mom would come a bit later with the twins and his brothers with their mates. Rather than skirt around the problem, John planned a frontal attack. He wanted Alfred to know that his wife and her brothers were now under the Alexander’s family protection. Whatever that old goat was planning, he had to stop.

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