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Animalistic (Tiger in Her Bed)

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“You ditched her? How come?”

He grimaced, looking uncomfortable. “When Quinn and Vanessa had an engagement party in January, I was on R and R and she inserted herself into my life, expecting me to drive her places. So I acted like a bastard and ditched her. She hates me now, but it’s probably better that way. That woman has all the telltale signs of trouble. A smart man wouldn’t touch her with a ten-foot pole.”

“Trent, are you deliberately being dense?” Arielle put down her food. “She obviously likes you and wanted to get your attention.”

Trent grinned. “I’m not an idiot. I just don’t like her. She’s not my type. On the other hand, you’re totally my kind of girl, Arielle.”

At times, Trent could be so darn adorable. He was sweet and sincere for a guy who looked like a Hollywood heartthrob. Good-looking men were usually arrogant jerks from her experience. Chris was a living testament to that specific male specimen. Trent had been complimenting her over little things for the past two weeks and it made her realize that she never escaped his attention. He was so into her. She had gotten used to being invisible, so his affection felt like a breath of fresh air.

It was also wonderful.

He made her blush, and her heart beat faster. At times, it made her feel like a school girl with a crush. But damn it. It made her happy.

Arielle tried to play it cool. “What do you like about me, Trent?”


“Even my bed head? Me without makeup in the morning?”

“I’ve seen you in a Santa suit stuck in the chimney and I’m still crazy about you. I can’t really explain it. The men in our family chose our mate based on instinct. I can’t get you out of my head so I’m staking my claim on you.”

“Mate?” Arielle laughed. “What are you, a caveman?”

“I wish I were, because that would make everything a lot simpler. I would just club you over the head and drag you back to my den, making you my cave wife.”

She couldn’t stop giggling. “Are you always like this when you pursue a woman?” she asked, curious. “You have dated, right?”

“I’ve had girlfriends. Things just didn’t work out.”

Now her curiosity piqued. “Why’s that?”

“Let’s see. I dated a Japanese girl when I was in high school in Tokyo, but her parents didn’t like the fact that I was an American, so we broke up. When I was in Israel, I dated a girl I met there, but her parents didn’t want her moving to America, so we broke up. And when I was in the Air Force, I dated a fellow service member, a southern girl from Tennessee. But my mom hated her parents–”

“Because they’re American?” she joked.

“Right. Because they’re American. Actually, her parents were quite obnoxious and it offended my mom’s delicate sensibilities. The real deal breaker was when I found out later she was only after my family money and connections. She didn’t care about me, so I had to pull the plug on our relationship.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that.”

Trent waved her off. “It just wasn’t meant to be. Anyway, how was work today?”

“You know what, it was actually nice to be able to go back to the office. Everybody was so nice and oh, guess what, Mr. Hoffman actually visited me at work.”

“Mr. Hoffman as in Robert Hoffman, your former boss?”

She nodded. She told him that Mr. Hoffman offered her the use of his condo in The Bronx if she were still pressed for accommodations.

“But you did tell him that you had that taken care of, right?” Trent sounded worried, as if she were going to move out.

“Yes.” Arielle laughed. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thank God. I thought I might lose you to some old dude.” He quieted for a second, then asked, “Sorry for asking, but did you see your boss and your ex? I can imagine that must be awkward when you went to work this morning.”

“It was, but I needed to face them, anyway. It’s not like I could avoid them forever since we work at the same place. Sabrina was indifferent as usual but Chris was surprisingly apologetic. We talked a bit and we wrapped up our loose ends. It had been a long time coming and I’m just glad it was over.”

Trent watched her with ardent intensity. “How do you feel now?”

She let out a long breath. “Relief like you wouldn’t believe. It is as if a heavy boulder has been lifted off of my chest.”

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