Shifted - Page 12

She shuddered as Tyler moved behind her. His chest grazed her back and he nuzzled her nape. His kisses were light, but the effect caused her arousal to escalate into a dizzying spell that consumed her with a manic need. A shiver of awareness echoed in the back of her mind—Tyler had positioned himself behind her, the fat tip of his cock dragging along the curve of her ass, stopping briefly just before her asshole. Gunnar withdrew his fingers and a soft, silken cockhead brushed her puckered anus.

She halted her breath, ears buzzing with excitement. Tyler pushed in. She keened, her sphincter surrendering to the intrusion. He slipped in, not as much as she’d anticipated since she instinctively squeezed her muscles to deflect the penetration. Tyler cursed. “Kitten, relax,” he whispered, his voice dark and rich as velvet. “It’s going to be good, I promise.”

Kelly exhaled a long breath, trying to relax. Tyler thrust in, working his way in with shallo

w, jabbing fucks, not stopping until he was balls-deep within her. He groaned, tiger-like, when he’d successfully sheathed his hard cock to the hilt. New heat, pure and raw, throbbed in her ass, virile, as if it possessed its own life. Words were lost in her mouth as she sobbed her pleasure. The cock inside her ass swelled, stretching her to the limit. Tyler had surrendered to his inner beast, half-shifting. Like his brother, sharp barbs sprouted, pricking her inner walls and quickly retracting. She glanced to her side and saw his lower forearm covered with soft orange tufts. When he licked her on the shoulder, his tongue felt rough like sandpaper. Tyler’s Bengal had taken over.

She collapsed onto Gunnar’s chest. All of it felt too much for the moment. She sobbed her pleasure as Tyler fucked her in long, controlled, battering strokes of primal ass-fucking. He pulled out to his cockhead, then slammed back in until there was no part of his shaft left unfucked—it was all embedded within her in a rage of wicked bliss.

Kelly cried out. Her inner cat roared, wanting to be free. Gunnar fisted a handful of her hair and pulled her sideways so she would look at him. He purred like a contented cat. “How’d you like that, kitten? My brother’s good, isn’t he?”

“Y-yes,” she mumbled between her delirious sobs. Behind her, Tyler pumped his cock in a series of fierce slams, until the only thing she could think of was the sharp, shocking pleasure.

“But you need more,” Gunnar rasped, his eyes narrowed. His cock inside her pussy spasmed again. His barbs jabbed. “You always need more, my greedy little kitten.” Gunnar unclenched his fist and slid both hands onto her hips, gripping her flesh. “Now, up a little. Straddle me.”

Kelly willed herself to do what Gunnar ordered. She braced, knees next to Gunnar’s hips and palms on his shoulders. Her body swayed each time Tyler slammed home with savage need. She closed her eyes, crying from the sensation.

Gunnar seized her chin, palming her face, forcing her to open her eyes. “This is why you’re seeing us, kitten, ’cause we’re the only ones who can satisfy you.” He plastered her lips with his, kissing her, ravaging her mouth with his tongue as he started to fuck her pussy again. Gunnar wrenched his mouth off just as suddenly as he had assaulted hers, only to whisper, “I love you.”

Fervent need burned her. Tyler and Gunnar filled her with slam after slam of pure savagery that thinly distinguished them between man and beast. She wanted to shout again, but it came out as a wordless cry stalled in her raw throat.

Her body quaked as an unmerciful, blinding orgasm struck her. Her cunt clenched against Gunnar’s cock, and her anal muscles tightened. She might have been screaming, she didn’t know. All she could think of was the feeling of pure pleasure, an ecstasy so deep, so pure, she felt like she’d been transported into another realm for a moment, in the land of thick clouds where time and space no longer mattered—a true heaven.

Then she crashed down. All her bones and muscles had turned to jelly, and reality welcomed her into its cradle to the fact that her lovers weren’t finished yet. Her cunt was still filled with fire and her ass was battered to the point she couldn’t feel anything but thick, viscous pleasure. Another climax seized her by surprise. She floated again.

Though indistinct, she heard the inhuman roar of tigers storming the room. All the hair on her body stood up. She opened her eyes to see that Gunnar was grimacing as he pumped his last load of semen into the depths of her cunt. And behind her, Tyler did the same. He climaxed as he bit her shoulder, sharp fangs piercing her flushed skin.

The effect sent her into her third orgasm in a row. This time, the rapture trapped her for what seemed an eternity. She was dimly aware that when it was over, Gunnar was carefully moving her body to his side, sliding his flaccid cock out of her cunt. Tyler spooned himself behind her, arm wrapped around her waist and his cock still embedded in her ass, half-hard, but spent.

“No,” she pleaded when Tyler went to pull his cock out. She didn’t want to lose the absurdly good feeling of having his cock inside her ass. “Stay a little longer. Please.”

“Of course, kitten,” Tyler purred back. He tightened his embrace, nuzzling her neck. She muttered her thanks before sleepiness lulled her into dreamland. A train of thought flashed in her mind as she finally surrendered to the temptation of the Sandman. The way Bengals fuck…

Chapter Four

Nicolla smoothed the creases from her skirt before she stepped out of the elevator, padding towards the lobby of Rush, Kaplan, Sigler, Durbo and Associates. Ms Prissy’s boutique firm occupied the whole penthouse floor on Praxa Tower, one of the most prestigious buildings in downtown Romana.

She felt nervous. What would happen if she couldn’t pull this whole thing off? She would be screwed. She loathed lawyers of all kinds. Lawyers were what had got her into this clusterfuck of trouble in the first place. If she hadn’t signed the contract with Harry Strickland, she wouldn’t have got herself into this enslavement. Damn him and damn all lawyers.

“Ms White.” The receptionist startled Nicolla from her reverie. “You are five minutes late. Mr Sigler couldn’t make it this morning, and Mr Rush asked for you to go directly to his office.”

“Shit,” Nicolla muttered under her breath. She didn’t know where Mr Rush’s office was. Kelly had lectured her about everything she had to do in the meeting, including where the conference room would be. She was supposed to get in, do the interview and get out, pronto! Would it sound strange if she asked the receptionist to show her to own boss’ office?

Nicolla thought hard for a second. “Could you be such a sweetie and help me carry this?” She feigned as if her wrist was hurt. The receptionist caught the briefcase just in time. “I sprained my wrist when I got out of the car.”

“Sure, Ms White.”

“Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.”

“No problem at all.” The receptionist waited for her.

Nicolla waved at her. “No, no, you go ahead. I need to check on something.”


The receptionist walked through the grand lobby to the main corridor. Nicolla followed behind her while pretending to make a call through her wrist comm. They walked into a labyrinth of wood-panelled corridors before stopping at a private lobby. The receptionist nodded at the guard as she walked past him then punched her password on the data reader on the wall. The reader approved her code and blinked green. The door whispered open. A middle-aged woman dressed in a conservative suit rose from the desk when she saw Nicolla. “Ms White, Mr Rush is expecting you.”

Nicolla retrieved her briefcase from the receptionist. “Thank you, d—” She caught herself from saying ‘doll’. Kelly wouldn’t call her co-workers ‘doll’, would she? She nodded and flounced to where Rush’s secretary had opened the door for her.

Tags: Lizzie Lynn Lee Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024