Tamed - Page 28

“Shit. Now I’m losing it too. Edwards. I think it’s Edwards. Is the enchant affecting me too? This is impossible.”

“Now, Kate, usually it’s impossible too for someone to be transported from Miami to New York in a matter of a second.”

Kate went to her room to get her laptop and started cracking on an answer. “If we can’t contact your boyfriends, maybe we should go to New York ourselves.”

Danielle raised her eyebrows. “What about work?”

“Constance will understand. Missing a day or two isn’t a big deal.”

“You don’t have to go with me. I’ll go myself.”

“There’s no way I’ll let you go alone. Besides, I’m curious what they look like. I’ve never seen weretigers before.”

Danielle smiled. “Thanks. For sticking with me.”

“You’re welcome. We should write down their information first and then try to contact them. I’ll book the flight, hotel, and rental car.”

“Okay. Just checking, what’s Dane’s last name again?”

“Edmun. Crap. Edwards. Edwards.”

Dane paced his library with frustration. Danielle had been spirited away before she could give them an answer. He understood that she might be hesitant to enter a very unconventional relationship with him and Collin. But the time the weaver gave them wasn’t enough. Forty-eight hours to woo a perfect mate. A human female above all that. Why couldn’t it be a week? A month, even.

And the enchantment started to affect both of them.

He couldn’t recall her last name. And slowly, he started to forget what she looked like. If he didn’t have that video he’d taken, he would’ve lost the memory about her.

He must take drastic measures before they completely forgot about Danielle.

The study door opened. Collin entered with their cousin Evan.

“Thank you for coming in on such short notice,” Dane said to Evan. “We really need your help.”

Evan gave a flourish bow. “Anything for Prima.”

Dane growled. “I’m not a Prima.”

“Yet. Not a Prima yet.” Evan settled himself in a wingback chair. He was a few months younger than Dane. His cousin was a tracker in the clan and an enforcer. He kept the members in line and obeying rules. His day job was a private investigator, specializing in finding missing persons. “What can I do for you?”

“We have someone you need to find. A woman. Our mate,” said Dane.

“What’s her name?” asked Evan.

For a moment his mind blanked. “Danielle.”

“Danielle Thomas. She lives in Miami, Florida,” Collin said. “We brought you in because we might forget all this.”

Evan tilted his head sideway. “Why would you forget about your own mate?”

Dane filled Evan in about their dealing with the weaver and the enchantment.

“I understand. I need something that belongs to her. I can track by scent. Once I memorize it, I won’t forget, in case the enchantment affects me too.”

“I figured that much.” He went to his bedroom and returned with a box containing Danielle’s dress she wore the night she first came. He also had her unwashed lingerie, but he wasn’t about to give his cousin a sniff. Not in a million years.

Evan slowly took the dress out of the box and pressed it against his nose, where he inhaled it deeply.

Dane didn’t like seeing him do that. He hated that another man sniffed around his beloved Danielle.

Tags: Lizzie Lynn Lee Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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