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Corporate Plaything

Page 32

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“Go on. I heard somebody’s getting naked and willing. So far, so good.”

Anna rolled her eyes. Men. She continued, “The savage need within her flared without control. Burning. As she slipped her knickers down her ankles, she became aware that her nipples had hardened, throbbing in cadence with her desire.”

“Hmm. Are yours hard too?” Ralph felt her breasts with his free hand. “Damn, Anna. I forgot how pretty your nipples are. I’m dying to suck these.”

Oh, God. Anna snapped the book closed. This whole thing was just silly. “Lady Fareweather remembered she forgot to turn her stove off, so she bid Master Wren a good day and ran home. The end.”

Ralph laughed hard. “You’re a bad storyteller. No deal.”


“Would you drop the sir, please? Call me Ralph.”


“Take it off.”

“Excuse me?”

“Master Raphael ordered Lady Vincent to shed all of her garments. Now.”

Anna looked around. “Out here? Are you crazy? What if somebody sees us?”

“Like we care? This is a private estate, and besides, the staff won’t wander around while we are here. They know we like our privacy.” Ralph withdrew his hand from her pussy and yanked her sundress’ spaghetti straps down. The fabric tore. Her breasts spilled out.

“Nice.” He pinched her nipple. “Hard. Just like Lady Fareweather’s.”


“I want to see you naked, out in the open. Then I want to fuck under the sun, Anna. Right here. Right now. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this moment. You do know I could channel my brothers when they fucked you, don’t you?” He leant forward and whispered to her. Lust dripped heavily in his voice. “With Matt in his dojo. And when he shared you with Justin. Then when Justin fucked you in his shoddy little club? I knew all about it. Could feel my brothers’ pleasure too. It drove me insane.”

“How’s that even possible?”

“Didn’t my brothers tell you? Sharing a womb made us linked to one another. But our circle is as yet incomplete, we need a cevborn to complete our bond.”


“Our mate. You.”

“Mate? Me?” Anna echoed. During their trip to Tokyo, Justin had hinted at the same thing. “That’s ridiculous.”

Ralph let out a theatrical sigh. “I knew you’d say that. But soon you’ll understand.”

Anna thinned her lips. “Why don’t you explain everything now so I’ll understand? I’m tired of these riddles. Mate. Netherworld. The Claiming.”

For a second, Ralph looked as if he was contemplating her demand. Then he shook his head. “Nah. I’m horny and in the mood for fucking, not world history. Now, take your clothes off.”

She pouted, crossing her arms across her chest, shielding her bare breasts. “No. I don’t want to play your game anymore. If you want the prize, you’ve got to work for it.” A second later, Anna regretted her decision.

The moment she shut her mouth, Raphael eyed her like a beast that was ready to pounce on his prey. His lips peeled upward into a snarly grin and his eyes devoured her with an unmistakable hunger, promising her nothing but a hard, rough, savage fuck.

“I love games,” he hissed. “Love, love them.”

“Ralph.” Anna squealed when he leapt from where he was sitting and swept her into his arms. “Where are you taking me?” She felt disoriented as Raphael carried her towards the beach.

“Ever have dirty, wet sex?”


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