Promise Me - Page 70

“That’s my cue,” he whispers in my ear, having prepared me ahead of time—but only this morning. I almost changed my mind about coming, knowing he was going to take the stage. Since Vaughn is featured in Laney’s music video she thought it would be cool for him to be the one to emcee a quick Q and A. Vaughn agreed—mostly to appease his dad after Vaughn told him he wasn’t going to do the velvet rope photo op. I didn’t like being the reason Vaughn stayed under the radar, but he assured me it wasn’t a big deal.

Not for the first time, I wonder if I might get in the way of his career.

I’m the reason Mason didn’t get to follow his dreams, and it would kill me to be the reason Vaughn missed an opportunity.

Vaughn makes his way to Laney, the girls in the audience squealing like crazy and high-fiving him as he passes. He hops up onstage and strikes up an easy conversation with the pop star that has everyone laughing and sighing. Vaughn is a natural, so at ease in front of an audience. He will absolutely win the hearts of America if he becomes the next host of America Rocks. He may even outshine the contestants. I wonder if he sings?

I look over at Justin again. He’s wearing a baseball cap to keep a low-ish profile. Tonight is about Laney, and it’s sweet that he’s here for her. Vaughn told me Justin is one of the producers on her debut album.

“The album drops Tuesday. Any special plans?” Vaughn asks into a microphone.

“Just chilling with friends.”

“What time should I be over?” Vaughn teases.

“I want to come!” someone in the crowd shouts.

Laney smiles before Vaughn quickly says, “We’ll all be with you in spirit.”

Gah. The America Rocks brass are crazy if they don’t hire Vaughn.

“Thanks, everyone,” Laney says.

“You guys ready for one last song?” Vaughn asks the room. A resounding “yes” is the answer. Laney recaptures the audience’s attention as Vaughn returns to me with a megawatt grin on his gorgeous face. “How’d I do?”

“Fantastic.” I lift up on tiptoes to kiss him.

He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. “What do you say we make our escape now while all eyes are on the stage?”

“I like that idea.” I silently pray no one catches us.

Fingers laced together, we stop in the empty lounge to grab a pair of the complimentary shoes. An Adidas rep asks our sizes, bags our swag, and we’re about to be on our way when a tall, good-looking man wearing jeans, a tight black T-shirt, and a five o’clock shadow approaches. “Vaughn Shaughnessy, are you sneaking out without saying hello?” Whoever this person is, he has a very nice British accent.

Vaughn releases me to shake hands with the man. “Nigel. It’s good to see you again.”

“You, too. I had a call with John earlier today to get caught up on a few things. Your name came up more than once.”


The older man laughs. “All good, although he complained your schedule is bloody hard to work around. Almost as bad as mine. I hear you’re off to San Francisco tomorrow for a photo shoot.”

“Gotta go where the work takes me.”

“I appreciate that ethic.” Nigel’s attention shifts to me. “’Course a smart lad makes sure he’s not all work and no play.”

“I’m sorry,” Vaughn says. “This is Kendall. Kendall, this is Nigel Cowie, the executive producer of America Rocks.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say. “I’m a huge fan of the show.”

“Lovely to meet you, and thanks for watching.” He gives me a kind smile, earning my regard right away, then returns his focus to Vaughn. “Great job onstage.”

“Thank you.” Vaughn threads his fingers through mine once again. I squeeze his hand to convey, Woohoo! Nigel Cowie said you did a great job!

Nigel’s gaze dips to our linked hands like he can hear my inner thoughts. Am I thinking too loud?

“I won’t keep you,” he says, his tone amiable.

“I’m glad we ran into you,” Vaughn says. “Enjoy the rest of the night.”

Tags: Samanthe Beck Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024