Emergency Engagement (Love Emergency 1) - Page 66

“Madisonnnnn… Holy shiiiit.”

Hunter took the sterile drape Beau offered him and waited until the contraction passed before speaking.

“Nice to meet you, Madison. I’m Hunter. I’m going to help you lift your hips, so I can slide this little sheet under you. Then we’re going to see what’s going on with this baby. It is just one baby, right?”

“One,” he heard her confirm as he moved aside to provide them a measure of privacy, and arranged supplies in the order Hunter would need them.

Madison’s voice carried from inside the car. “Hunter, I really need something for the pain now.”

“I can’t, honey. You need to push.”

“No…no…no.” The car rocked. “I’m not due yet. I have another three weeks.”

“Babies don’t have calendars, Madison,” Hunter replied calmly. “I’ve done this more than once. Trust me, it’s time to push.”

Their patient had other ideas. “Do something to keep her in! It’s too soon. What if she can’t…?” The arrival of the next contraction interrupted the what-ifs, but not before Beau filed away another important piece of information.

A girl. Madison expected a girl. Memories tried to intrude, but he forced them away and focused on the job. Studies indicated newborn girls were generally smaller and had few complications. Good news, given the circumstances.

“Three weeks is nothing, sweetheart. Counts as full-term,” Hunter assured her. “Have you been seeing a doctor every now and then? Have your checkups been good?”

“Yes,” she replied between pants. “I saw my doctor right after Christmas. Everything’s on track.” Her voice turned stubborn. “I’m due in three weeks.”

The next contraction set in, contradicting her. Conversation subsided as her recovery time between contractions diminished. Hunter alternately encouraged her and bullied her through transition.

Eventually, though, her end of the dialogue devolved to gasping, defeated phrases like “I can’t,” and “No more.” He quietly asked Hunter if he should get the gurney. They’d have to transport her if things stalled. She’d need more support than they could give her.

“Uh-uh,” Hunter answered. “Not yet. My girl Madison’s going to do this, right, sweetheart? You’re ready to meet this baby you’ve been taking such good care of for the last nine months. Hold her in your arms and show her what a strong, brave, pretty mama she’s got.”

Madison sounded less than convinced, despite Hunter’s impressive confidence. He listened with half an ear as Hunter gave her a pep talk, and mentally worked out the logistics of loading her into the rig and navigating the traffic to the nearest ER. He could get it done in ten minutes—fifteen max. With his mind so deep in plan B, he almost didn’t hear his partner say, “Beau’s going to come around to your side and climb in. He’ll support you while you push, okay? He’s way more comfortable than a hard car door.”

Okay, plan B went on hold for now. He hurried to the other side of the car and got in. She more or less fell against him.

“That’s right.” Beau turned so his chest supported her back. “Let me take your weight.” As she relaxed, he gently inched her hips closer to Hunter. His partner spared him a grateful glance.

The next contraction hit hard. When it finally let go, his partner had the head in view, but Beau had an armful of exhausted, trembling, and borderline incoherent woman. He caught Hunter’s eye and nodded toward the ambulance. Transport her.

Hunter shook his head, and then called Madison’s name in a sharp voice.

To Beau’s surprise, she responded. Hunter’s smile mirrored his own relief.

“Stay with me, sweetheart,” Hunter said. “Next time, when the contraction comes, I want you to push as long as you can. Not hard, but long. Got it?” While Hunter issued the instructions, he placed supplies on the drape.

Madison’s small frame stiffened as the next spasm gripped her. She leaned forward and put her whole body into the push. Beau supported her with one hand between her shoulders and the other against her lower back.

“Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.”

In his mind he added a few Oh Gods of his own to the mix. Apparently God was listening, because Hunter called, “That’s my girl. You’re doing great.” The moment of triumph was short-lived, however, because he followed with an urgent instruction to stop pushing.

Beau held the whimpering woman, feeling helpless as shakes rattled through her. Hunter moved quickly, his attention locked on the action in front of him. Beau couldn’t see much from his position, but he knew enough about the process to realize Hunter was dealing with a cord situation, and prayed he could resolve it. Transporting now, with mother and baby in distress due to an unmanageable nuchal cord, would be a nightmare.

He almost high-fived his partner when Hunter said, “Sweetheart, you’re almost done. One last push…there you go…a little more.” Next thing he knew, Hunter had a baby in his hands. Her little chest expanded; Beau released a breath of his own. While Hunter cleaned, dried, and wrapped the infant, Beau eased Madison into a more reclined position and attempted to check her pulse.

The new mom had different priorities and kept trying to sit up. “Is she all right? Is she breathing?”

As if activated by the sound of her mother’s voice, the baby cried out. The little bleating sound told him she wasn’t having any problem drawing in air.

Hunter grinned. “Aw. Is that any way to say thank you? Want to go to your mama?” He placed the baby into Madison’s outstretched arms.

Tags: Samanthe Beck Love Emergency Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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