Dirty Games (Tropical Temptation) - Page 45

She rolled over and started crawling the rest of the way out of the water. He caught a handful of her bikini and dragged it down. Her startled breath only heightened the fever. When she looked over her shoulder, the picture she made would have brought him to his knees if he hadn’t already been there. Her hair hung in damp tendrils around her orgasm-flushed face and cascaded down her elegant back. The tip of one nipple peeked out from beside her arm. Her soggy swimsuit dangled between her knees, leaving her ass bare save for a dusting of sand low on one cheek where the bottoms hadn’t offered any protection.

“Fuck me,” someone growled. Him. That tortured animal would be him.

She blinked, and then, as if she had no concern whatsoever for how close he was to losing his mind, she lowered onto her forearms and angled her hips higher. “No, Luke.” Her lips curved into an unrepentant smile. “Fuck me.”

The pose twisted a fuse inside him, but the smile lit it, and now this slow burn ended only one way—consuming him from the inside out. He wanted to see her sly smile go slack and her blue eyes blur when he pulled her into the fire. He wanted to cover her lips with his, feel every quiver, and taste every sigh as she surrendered to the heat of them. Only chivalry stopped him from flipping her over and driving into her, which would be tantamount to power sanding her backside. Instead he hooked an arm around her waist and rolled, so she ended up sprawled over him.

“Fuck me,” he said again, and used his foot to tug her bottoms off. He reached around, shoved his trunks down, and gripped his cock. As he nudged it along her cleft, she bit her lip and squirmed.

“Any way you want it, Trouble. Feeling lazy? No problem. Just rest your head on my chest and spread your legs. I’ll do all the work to get us both off. Prefer a more active role? Climb on up there and ride me straight into oblivion. Looking for the middle ground? Turn around, hug my knees, and show me how you work that ass. Your choice, but choose fast.”

She braced a hand on his chest and pushed herself up so she leaned over him. The position sent her hair falling forward like a silky curtain, and nestled the head of his cock in her folds. With a sweep of her arm, she moved her hair away from her face and locked her eyes on his. “What if I choose all three?”

“You’re not going to last through all three.” He definitely wasn’t. He felt huge to the point of abusive against her softness. Still holding himself at the base, he lifted his hips. She came up higher on her knees, and then sank down slowly, her head tipping back as she took him in to the halfway point.

It was his vision that went blurry. He blinked it clear and forced himself to wait like a gentleman, hands supporting her thighs while she rocked back and forth, working him in deeper by increments. When she’d seated herself fully, he let out a breath and prepared himself for a long, easy ride.

He should have known better. Nothing about Quinn was ever easy. She bore down hard and fast, sending a twisted bolt of pain-laced pleasure straight to his balls. His shaft throbbed inside her, brutally thick. The curse on his lips turned into a low groan as she slowly leaned forward, relinquishing half his cock by the time she braced herself on her hands on either side of his head. Her breasts swung forward.

Instinct had him clasping her waist, urging her lower. “Give it to me,” he grunted.

“I’m fucking you, remember?” She wiggled her hips. “Any way I want—”

He crunched his abs and raised himself up to capture her breast in his mouth.

“Ohhhh…” Her moan went guttural as he opened wide, drawing her in as deep as possible, scouring the underside of one generous curve with his teeth.

When her moans became whimpers, he allowed her to ease back, letting his teeth rake her tight nipple as she slid free. She automatically brought her hand up to cup the tender flesh. He covered hers with his and squeezed.

Her lips parted. Her breath escaped in pants. Her interior muscles hugged his shaft in quick flutters.

“More,” he said, unable to get enough of her, and suddenly, painfully aware the urgency wasn’t just physical. He wanted her spark. Her fire. All of her. Promises and commitments—which took them to places he’d sworn he wouldn’t go under their current dynamic, because tearing up a contract didn’t automatically change his underlying obligations to her. There was a limit to what he could demand from her right now. But he’d go right up to that limit.

/> “I’m yours,” she whispered. “All yours. Take me.”

He guided her forward again, bending her lower so her hips lifted and those flutters concentrated on the head of his cock. She fought herself a little, trying to push her hips back and take him deeper at the same time she stretched to offer him her other breast. He devoured this time, with his whole mouth—his teeth, his tongue—and kept it up until her hips jerked in restless desperation and the flutters turned to hungry clenches.

She speared a hand in his hair, holding his head to her breast, as the clenches turned to spasms and her hips rocked in frantic abandon. “Forever, Luke. Take me forever.”

“Don’t.” But he levered up and captured her mouth, plunged his tongue inside to claim the offer it wasn’t fair to accept as her body took him over. He came in a firestorm of need—to take, possess…to keep. All of it burned through him, searing away his resolve and laying him bare. He broke away, pressed his forehead to her jaw, and begged, “Don’t say forever unless you mean it, Trouble. I want to hear it too goddamn much.”

Chapter Sixteen

I want to hear it too goddamn much.

The words floated to the forefront of Quinn’s pleasure-saturated brain, as strong but surprisingly gentle fingers pushed her hair back from her face.

Forever. He wanted forever. With her. She lifted her cheek from his chest and pressed her lips to the spot where his heart thundered. Vaguely, she realized the tide had caught them. Waves swirled over their tangled legs while they lay in the sand like shipwreck survivors washed up on shore.

“You think you can handle forever with a neurotic, narcissistic actress?”

Another hand, not quite as gentle, smacked her ass. Over her startled yelp, he said, “I know exactly how to handle you, Trouble. Think you can handle forever with an arrogant fitness Nazi with…what was it again?”

“The world’s smallest dick?” She laughed at the memory. “I…um…” Laughter dissolved into a shivering sigh as he slowly slid the dick in question out of her swollen, orgasm-sensitized body. “I might have been wrong about that part.”

The comment earned her ass another playful slap. “Might have?”

“Ow! Okay. Okay. I was wrong.” In self-defense, she reached between them and wrapped her fingers around him. He twitched in her hand. “And yes, I know exactly how to handle you.” And then, because this was an important moment, despite how irreverently she’d asked her question, she went on. “I don’t need someone to focus solely on me to feel like I matter to them. We both have professional commitments. I don’t want to get in the way of yours ever again, or drag you into the middle of mine.”

Tags: Samanthe Beck Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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